Configuration and Policies > Global Configuration Wizard

Global Configuration Wizard

Global policies are a class of policies which are read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as global variables. These policies will govern the behavior of various global features of the system. There is exactly one instance of each global policy; therefore, the Global Configuration wizard does not allow the actions Create, Copy, or Remove as with other configuration and policy wizards. A global policy can only be displayed or modified.

Modifications to a Global Configuration policy will only take effect after a halt and run of the workstation server.

The Catalog Search Fields is the only global policy that allows you to create and remove policies.

The Item Search and Display wizard, Check Item Status wizard, and Help button appear on the right side of the toolbar.

Only one user at a time can work with policies. This is a safeguard to prevent users from modifying the same policy at the same time.

From the List Policies window, you can click various tabs which display the following policies. The available tabs depend on the modules configured for your system.

Searching Tab

User Information Tab

User Accountability Tab

This Global Configuration policy tab will only display on systems that are configured to use the Accountability module.

Cataloging Tab

Acquisition Tab

Circulation Tab

Reserves Tab

Maintenance Tab

Collection Exchange Tab


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