Configuration and Policies > Global Configuration Wizard > Display Of User Routing Information

Display Of User Routing Information

The Display Of User Routing Information policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. This policy determines whether or not the system will display user routing information in circulation wizard windows.

The Display Of User Routing Information policy appears on the User Information tab of the Global Configuration wizard. The default value for this policy appears in the Select a Policy window. To modify this value, select Display Of User Routing Information and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection. The default value is Display User Routing Information.


This policy contains the following attributes.

Do Not Display User Routing Information

Click this radio button to suppress the display of user routing information in circulation wizards.

Display User Routing Information

Click this radio button to display user routing information in circulation wizards.

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