Configuration and Policies > Global Configuration Wizard > Exchange Date When Shipping Items Policy

Exchange Date When Shipping Items Policy

The Exchange Date When Shipping Items policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. On systems configured to use Collection Exchange, this policy allows libraries to specify which date is to be used as the exchange date when confirming item shipments.

By default, the system will use the current date as the exchange date when the user confirms item shipments. However, the exchange process could be spread out over days or weeks, so some sites would rather use the exchange library activation date. This configuration policy will allow sites to do so.

The default setting for this policy is Use Current Date as the Exchange Date. To modify this value, select Exchange Date When Shipping Items and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection.


This policy has the following attributes.

Use Date of Activation as the Exchange Date

Click this option to populate the Date Exchanged field in the exchange item record with the date that was specified in the Exchange Date in the Activate Exchange Libraries wizard.

Use Current Date as the Exchange Date

Use Current Date as the Exchange Date populates the Date Exchanged field in the exchange item record with today’s date.

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