Configuration and Policies > Global Configuration Wizard > User Search Fields Policy

User Search Fields Policy

The User Search Fields policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. A SirsiDynix Symphony administrator can use this policy to modify the User Search list of user search methods, or create new policies for user search. This policy controls which indexes appear in the search list for the user wizards as well as academic reserves, booking, circulation, and outreach wizards. For more information on modifying the search list, refer to FAQs: Adding Indexes to the User Search.

For a list of delivered User Search Field policies, see Delivered User Search Field Policies.

Do not remove any of the delivered User Search Field policies.

The User Search Fields policy appears on the User Information tab of the Global Configuration wizard. Select the User Search Fields policy and click Modify. From the Display Policy List window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the User Search Fields policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.

To remove the user previous IDs from the user search, see FAQs: Removing User Previous IDs from the User Search Index.


The User Search Fields policy contains the following attributes.


The Name attribute uniquely identifies the policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.


The label appears next to the entry field where the user types the search term. This label may up to 20 characters in length.

Search ID

Assign a search ID for this user address or extended information entry by selecting one from the list, or you can type a search ID name. If uncertain which search ID to assign, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support. The following search IDs are delivered.


This search ID must match the search ID for the entry in the user address or user extended information format.

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