The Suggest Exchange Items policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. On systems configured to use Collection Exchange, this policy allows libraries to control how the suggested exchange number is calculated.
When sites initially start using Collection Exchange, the system will suggest a larger number of items for exchange than the per exchange quantity in order to reach the target quota. Some sites may not want to exchange large parts of their collection but would rather exchange the per exchange quantity set in policies. This configuration policy will allow sites to do so.
The default configuration setting is Suggest Per Exchange Quantity Plus Deficit When Below Target.
This policy includes the following attributes.
• | Suggest Per Exchange Quantity When Below Target |
• | Suggest Per Exchange Quantity Plus Deficit When Below Target |
Suggest Per Exchange Quantity When Below Target
Click this option, and the system will suggest that Headquarters send the per exchange quantity to branches, instead of the target quantity minus the deposited material plus the per exchange quantity. The branch library will have the per exchange quantity suggested to send back to Headquarters.
Suggest Per Exchange Quantity Plus Deficit When Below Target
Click this option, and the system will suggest that Headquarters send to branches the target quantity minus the deposited material plus the per exchange quantity. This option is selected by default.
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