Configuration and Policies > Global Configuration Wizard > Holding Code Dropdown List Policy

Holding Code Dropdown List Policy

The Holding Code Dropdown List policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. This global policy determines whether or not the drop-down list for selecting a single Holding Code policy will appear in the wizard windows. Sites with a large number of Holding Code policies defined for their system (1000+) may want to consider disabling the Holding Code policy drop-down lists. Disabling the lists can improve the WorkFlows client response time when creating or displaying order segments in the acquisitions wizards.

The Holding Code Dropdown List policy appears on the Cataloging tab of the Global Configuration wizard. The default value for this policy appears in the Select a Policy window. To modify this value, select Holding Code Dropdown List and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection. The default is Enable Holding Code Dropdown List.


This policy includes the following attributes.

Disable Holding Code Dropdown List

Click this option to disable displaying the Holding Code policy drop-down list in the wizard windows. Only the Find Holding Code gadget will display for the Holding Code fields. Selecting this value could improve WorkFlows client response time when creating or displaying order segments for sites that have a large number of holding code policies defined (1000+).

Enable Holding Code Dropdown List

Click this option to display the Holding Code policy drop-down list in the wizard windows. Both the drop-down list and Find Holding Code gadget will display for the Holding Code fields. By default, this value is selected.

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