The Charging Of Items Already Charged policy is a Global Configuration policy that is read by the WorkFlows client at startup and stored as a global variable. This policy determines whether or not an item that is already charged can be automatically discharged and re-charged to a new user.
The Charging Of Items Already Charged policy appears on the Circulation tab of the Global Configuration wizard. The default value for this policy appears in the Select a Policy window. To modify this value, select Charging Of Items Already Charged and click Modify. Click a radio button to select one of the policy attributes. Click Save to save your selection. The default is Don’t Discharge Already Charged Items When Charging Again.
This policy includes the following attributes.
• | Don’t Discharge Already Charged Items When Charging Again |
• | Discharge Already Charged Items With Override |
• | Discharge Already Charged Items Without Override |
Don’t Discharge Already Charged Items When Charging Again
Click this radio button to prevent a charged item from being automatically discharged and recharged again to a new user. The charged item can be charged again. The staff member will be prompted for a recirculation override, with the message “Item is charged and can’t be recirculated.”
If you type an override, the item will be charged to the current user as well as to the previous user.
Discharge Already Charged Items With Override
Click this radio button to allow a charged item to be automatically discharged when charged to a new user, but prompt the staff member for an override. The staff member will be prompted for a clear charge override, with the message “Item was not discharged, override to clear charge.” If the staff member types an override, the item is discharged from the previous user before being charged to the current user. The link between the item and the previous user will be broken.
Important: If you select this option, SirsiDynix Symphony will discharge the items without posting fines for overdue items.
Discharge Already Charged Items Without Override
Click this radio button to allow a charged item to be automatically discharged when charged to a new user without prompting the staff member for an override. The staff member will not be prompted when the system discharges the item from the previous user and charges the item to the current user. The link between the item and the previous user will be broken.
Important: If you select this option, SirsiDynix Symphony will post fines after automatically discharging overdue items.
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