Serial Control > Create Serial Control Wizard

Create Serial Control Wizard

The Create Serial Control wizard guides you through the process of creating a control record for a serial title. Each serial title may have one or more linked control records. A control record maintains basic information about the serial title to be checked in, and is used as the basis for generating predictions.

To create a serial control record

After creating serial control information, you may click one of the following options.

Modify Control after making more changes to the new control record
Duplicate Control to copy the serial control information to a new serial control record
Return to Search to select another title from the search list
New Search to look up a different title
Close to exit the Create Serial Control wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

You cannot generate predictions that have a chronology date, date expected, and date first prediction earlier than 1970. SirsiDynix Symphony will display an appropriate error message indicating that you are not able to create issues prior to this date. To represent historical holdings, you can do the following.
Update the MARC holdings record with a summary statement in the 866 tag that reflects the range of issues.
Do not create predictions. Instead, use the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard to receive special issues. Because you are not following a pattern when you use the special issue work flow, you are able to avoid the pre-1970 date limitation, and you can receive an issue with any date in the Chronology field.

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