Replace Patterns Helper
The Replace Patterns helper appears only when the Patterns tab is displayed in a wizard that can modify the publication pattern information. The Select a Pattern Template window also displays automatically if the Frequency Code in the fixed field of the bibliographic record is not defined when a control is created.
This time-saving helper provides default information for all necessary fields of the Pattern tab in one step, and maintains consistent entries in fields with variable values, such as the Days to Wait Before Claiming and Days Before Subsequent Claim fields.
This helper is particularly useful in the following situations.
The bibliographic record is not in MARC record format. |
The Frequency Code in the bibliographic record of the serial title is missing or is incorrect. |
The serial control is connected to a monograph. |
The periodical has an odd publication cycle, such as 13 times in a year. |
To replace the publication pattern
Click the Replace Patterns helper. |
If selected in properties to display, a Load Pattern window will appear for bibliographic records that have an 891 CONSER Pub Pattern entry (or entries). Map the values for these 891 entries as required. For more information see Loading Pub Patterns from 891 Entries. |
Otherwise, the Select a Pattern Template window opens. |
Select the desired pattern name from the list. The pattern names and pattern field information provided in this helper are related to the Frequency code in the bibliographic record. |
Click Replace Patterns, and the values on the Patterns tab are filled in or modified based on the template selected. |
If you click Close when this template is being used, whether it is because the Frequency code has multiple pattern matches or the Replace Patterns helper is used, the wizard quits only if all of the following conditions are met. |
You are using the Create Serial Control wizard. |
The serial control has not yet been saved. |
The default information is displayed in pattern templates. Template component values may be defined in the Serial Control Configuration wizards.
Related topics
Serial Control Configuration Wizards
Replace Patterns Helper Properties
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