The MARC Holdings tab displays information about the title’s MARC holdings records. This tab appears when you are modifying or displaying serial control records.
If one or more MARC holdings already exist for a title, each library and location associated with MARC holdings appears in a table. Click the Location platform button, and detailed information about the MARC holdings record appears.
When displaying a title linked to a MARC holdings record in e-Library and the staff client, if the holdings record is not linked to a serial control record, the holdings location displays without linking information. If it is linked to a serial control, the linked Control ID displays in brackets.
For example:
MAIN –– STACKS [linked to serial control SC-123]
To add MARC Holdings Records
To add a new MARC Holdings record, use the Create a Serials Holding Record Tool tool.
Users can only create MARC holdings for libraries in their MARC Holdings Maintenance library group.
To modify MARC Holdings records
1 | In the Holdings Record list, double-click the Location platform button of the holdings record you want to modify. |
2 | Make necessary modifications to the fixed field and entries that display. Information must be entered according to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data standards ( Additional valid MARC Holdings entries may be entered using the Before, After, and Delete helpers. |
3 | The 852 entry is required. If this holdings record will be linked to a serial control, the location must correspond to the location associated with the distribution holding code. The data in this entry must be exact. If you are modifying the 852 location, use the Show Valid 852 Location helper to display a list of valid holdings locations. |
For example:
4 | Click Save and Close to save your changes. |
Users can only modify MARC holdings for libraries in their MARC Holdings Maintenance library group.
To remove MARC Holdings Records
To remove a MARC Holdings record, use the Remove a Serial Holdings Record Tool.
Users can only remove MARC holdings for libraries in their MARC Holdings Maintenance library group.
Related topics
Create a Serials Holding Record Tool
Remove a Serial Holdings Record Tool.
FAQs: Call Number, Item, and MARC Holding Maintenance Library Attributes
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