Search Interest Wizard
Outreach Services allows the library to identify and distribute library materials to users who cannot come to the library. After building an interest profile in the user record, the library can then search for materials of interest to that user by using the Search Interest wizard. The Search Interest wizard displays a list of suggested materials that can be sent to the user in the next outreach delivery.
The Search Interest wizard searches interests for an individual outreach user. For information on using reports to suggest items for many outreach users at once, see the FAQs: Using Reports to Search Interests and Suggest Items topic.
To search a user's interest profile and see a list of suggested materials
Click the Search Interest wizard. |
In the User Search window, scan the user's barcode, or specify one or more search criteria and the text on which to search for the user. You can click Current (if available) to select the most recently viewed or modified user record. |
You can restrict your user search to a certain library, or library group, by selecting the library's name, or library group name, in the Library list.
When a list of matching user records displays, select a user, and click Display Interest. |
In the Display Search Interest Information window, the Summary Tab: Outreach Services shows statistics about the interest search, such as how many items were found in the search. |
The History Tab shows the user’s List of History Records.
The Suggestions Tab displays possible materials for each interest profile to send to the outreach user.
In the Outreach Action field, select one of the following. |
IGNORE does not select the item for distribution to the outreach user, and no history record is created. The item may be suggested for the outreach user in the future. This selection is the default selection. If the Outreach Action list is left blank, the IGNORE selection is assumed. |
REJECT declines the item for the outreach user, and creates a history record with a status of REJECT. The item will not be suggested for the outreach user in the future. |
SELECT marks the item to be distributed to the outreach user, places a title level hold on the item, and creates a history record with a status of SELECT for the item. The title level hold is placed regardless of any user or item restrictions that would normally prevent a hold from being placed. The range of the title level hold is determined by the Range for Outreach Holds attribute in the Outreach wizard. (The Outreach wizard is in the Module Configuration Wizards group on the Configuration toolbar.) |
After searching interest profiles, select one of the following options.
Search Interest for Another User to return to the User Search window |
Review Interests Searched to display the Review Search Interest Information window for you to check the changes you made to the suggested items list |
Make More Changes to return to the Display Search Interest Information window for you to continue editing the Outreach Action for items in the list |
Close to exit the wizard |
Related topics
Search Interest Wizard Properties
Outreach Records
FAQs: Using Reports to Search Interests and Suggest Items
FAQs: Understanding Search Interest Results
Outreach Wizard
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