Modify History Wizard
The Modify History wizard is used to edit history records of an outreach user.
To modify a user’s outreach history
In the History Information and Maintenance group, click the Modify History wizard. |
In the User Search window, scan the user’s barcode, or specify one or more search criteria and text on which to search. Click Current to accept the most recently viewed or modified user. You can restrict your user search to a Keyword or Browse search and a certain library, or library group, by selecting the library’s name, or group name, in the Library list. |
In the List of Users, select a user, and click Modify History for Selected Users. |
If the user has more than one history record, the List of History Records window displays. For each history record, the item title, item ID, status, and interest name displays. Select the history record you want to modify, and click Modify History. |
On the History Tab, make any of the following changes to the record: |
Change the status of the item attached to the history record by selecting a setting in the Status list. |
Select or clear the Repeat check box to indicate whether or not the item can be sent to the outreach user again. |
Type a value in the Interval Days box to specify the number of days to wait before sending this item to the user again. |
After making these changes, click Modify History. |
The message Record Updated displays on the confirmation box. Click OK to close the box. |
When a history profile has been modified, select one of the following options.
Modify History to make more changes to this record. |
Modify Another History to return to the User Search window. |
Return to List to return to the List of History Records window. This option appears only if the user has more than one history record. |
Close to exit the wizard. |
Many history records can be created at once by running the Search Route Interest Records or Search User Interest Records reports.
Records retrieved with the Search Interest wizard have attached history records as soon as a status is assigned by library staff. By default, history records created with reports will have a status of SELECT. If the retrieved items should have a different status, such as REJECT or UNSELECT, the status can be changed by using the Modify History wizard.
Related topics
Modify History Wizard Properties
Outreach Records
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