FAQs: Removing User Records
What happens when I remove a user record?
When you remove a user record, SirsiDynix Symphony performs some additional actions.
If the user is an Outreach user, the outreach record will be flagged for removal. Use the Purge User Records report to remove outreach user records and all associated interest profiles and history records. Outreach user records for removed users remain on the system until removed by this report. |
If the user is accountable, the user’s access restrictions, need to know restrictions, and accountability record will be removed. |
If the user has routings associated with his or her record, the User has routings message displays and asks if you want to remove the routings along with the user record, or cancel the Remove User procedure. |
If the user has material order requests associated with his or her record, the order record itself is not deleted. However, SirsiDynix Symphony modifies the order record to remove the deleted user ID from the order. |
What conditions would prevent me from removing a user record?
The following conditions prevent you from removing a user record.
User currently has items checked out. |
User has holds on items. |
User has bookings for materials. |
User has an outreach history status of Select for items. |
User has unanswered requests or unread library messages. |
User has a charge history. |
User is assigned to a protected user profile. |
If a user has any of these conditions, you will be prompted to address each condition before you will be able to remove the user. After you take care of each condition, you will be able to remove the user.
How do I remove user information without the user’s library card?
You can use the User Search Helper in the Remove User wizard to search for a user’s record when the user cannot give you a library card to scan.
How do I remove a user who has unpaid bills?
If you try to remove a user who currently has unpaid bills, you will be prompted to pay the bill from the Remove User wizard.
To clear bills from a user’s record
Click the Pay Bills button when prompted in the Remove User wizard. |
The user’s name and ID display at the top of the window.
Note: If the Deletion of Items with Bills feature is enabled and an item associated with a bill has been deleted from the catalog, the item ID field for that item will be blank.
Under Total Bills and Payments, type the payment amount in the Payment box. |
In the Payment Type list, select the payment type. |
Continue removing the user’s record with the Remove User wizard. |
How do I remove a user who has charges?
If you try to remove a user who currently has items checked out, the following message displays
User has charges--cannot remove
You must remove the charged items from the user’s record before you can delete the record.
To remove charged items from a user’s record
In the Users group, click the Display User wizard. |
Click the Checkouts tab to display items checked out to this user and to get the item ID numbers that are charged to the user. |
Click the Discharge/Checkin wizard, and then enter the item ID in the Item ID field. |
Repeat the previous steps for all of the checkouts for the user. |
After discharging items from the user, continue to remove the user’s record with the Remove User wizard. |
If the Clear Previous Item ID property is selected in the Discharge/Checkin wizard properties, the item ID will not carry over to the Item ID field in the Discharge/Checkin wizard. You can type the item ID in the Item ID field, or use the Item Search helper to locate the item to discharge from the user.
How do I remove a user who has holds?
If you try to remove a user who currently has holds on items, the following message displays.
Cannot Remove. User has holds.
To remove the holds for a user
Click the Remove User Hold button. A list of holds for the user displays. |
Under List of Holds, click the Select All check box. |
Click the Remove Holds button. |
Continue removing the user record in the Remove User wizard. |
How do I remove a user who has bookings?
If you try to remove a user who currently has bookings, the following message displays.
User has bookings--cannot remove
You must remove the bookings from the user’s record before you can delete the record.
To remove bookings from a user record
On the Booking toolbar, click the Remove User Bookings wizard. |
Use the User Search helper to search for the user who has the bookings you want to remove. |
In the list of bookings for the user, select the Remove All option. |
Click Remove User Bookings. |
Return to the Remove User wizard on the Circulation toolbar to continue removing the user’s information. |
How do I remove a user who has outreach history?
If a user has an outreach status of Select for item, a hold is placed on the item. If you try to remove a user who has an outreach history status of Select on one or more items, the following message displays.
Cannot Remove. User has holds.
To remove the holds for a user
Click the Remove User Hold button. |
A list of holds for the user displays.
Under List of Holds, select the Select All check box. |
Continue removing the user record in the Remove User wizard. |
How do I remove a user who has requests?
If you try to remove a user who currently has unanswered requests or unread library messages, the following message displays.
User has requests-cannot remove
You must remove the requests from the user’s record before you can delete the user record.
To remove requests from a user record
On the Request toolbar, click the Remove Request wizard. |
In the User ID box, enter the user ID of the user for whom you want to display requests. |
In the Request Type list, select All. |
The user’s list of requests display.
Select the Select All check box, and click Remove. |
Return to the Remove User wizard on the Circulation toolbar to continue removing the user’s information. |
How do I remove a user who has a patron credit account?
If you try to remove a user who currently has a patron credit account, the following message displays.
Patron credit account has not been closed.
You must close the user’s credit account before you can delete the user record.
To close a user credit account
Click the Credit User Account wizard, and locate the user for whom you want to close the credit account. |
Click the Manual Withdrawal helper. |
Note the current balance in the user’s credit account, if any.
Do one of the following. |
If the user’s credit account balance is currently 0.00, click Close Account. |
If the user’s credit account balance is greater than 0.00: |
Specify the current balance in the Amount field. |
Select the payment type and the credit reason (the reason for the withdrawal). |
Your library may define a credit reason specifically for account closures, such as CLOSEACCT.
On the dialog box that displays the current balance as 0.00 and asks if you want to close the user’s credit account, click Yes to close the account. |
Click OK to close the message that confirms the patron credit account has been closed. |
Return to the Remove User wizard to continue removing the user’s record. |
How do I remove a user who has a charge history?
The setting of the Prompt Before Removing Charge History check box in the Remove User wizard properties determines what happens when you try to remove a user who has charge history records.
If the Prompt Before Removing Charge History check box is cleared, the following message displays. |
The user has charge history records can not remove.
You must run the Purge Charge History report first to remove the charge history for the user. After this report is run, use the Remove User wizard to remove the user record.
If the Prompt Before Removing Charge History check box is selected, the following message displays. |
The user has charge history records.
If you continue to remove the user, the charge history records will also be removed.
Do one of the following:
Click Remove User to remove the user record and the user’s charge history. |
Click Display History to view the user’s charge history in the Display Charge History window. |
Click Cancel to cancel the user record removal. |
How do I remove a user who is assigned to a protected user profile?
If you try to remove a user who is currently assigned to a protected profile, the following message displays.
User profile is protected--cannot remove
You must reassign the user to an unprotected user profile before you can delete the user record.
To change the user profile
Click the Modify User wizard and locate the user for whom you want to change the user profile. |
In Profile name, select a profile that is not protected. |
In the Confirmation dialog box, choose Yes. |
In the Privileges dialog box choose Modify User, then click Close. |
Related topics
Remove User Wizard
Remove User Wizard Properties
Pay Bills Helper
Display User Wizard
Discharge/Checkin Wizard
Remove User Hold Wizard
Remove User Bookings Wizard
Remove Request Wizard
Purge Charge History Report
Purge User Records Report
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