Acquisitions > Delete Order Wizard

Delete Order Wizard

The Delete Order wizard guides you through the process of deleting an orderline from an order record or removing all orderlines and the entire order. The Delete Order wizard can be used in the following ways.

To remove a single line item on an order record
To remove all line items and the order record
To remove an order record that has no line items on it

To delete an order and/or orderlines

The following process assumes that you searched a multi-line order. If your search resulted in an order with a single orderline, or you searched a specific orderline from an order, see Deleting Orderlines.

After an order and/or orderlines have been deleted, you may click one of the following options.

Delete Order after selecting additional orderlines to remove
Return to Search to return to the search list of orders
New Search to search a new list of orders
Close to exit the Delete Order wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

If you remove the last orderline of an order, the order is also removed.
Orders that have been paid or have linked invoices cannot be removed.
If an orderline is linked to an on-order title hold, a warning message “This title has holds” will appear in the orderline header. You will have the option to continue with the deleting the orderline by clicking Yes, or click No to return to the Orderlines tab.
You can output orderline data to a file using the Save Order Line to File Helper.

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