User ID Manager Helper
The User ID Manager Helper is used to manage multiple IDs of a user. You can add or delete IDs, set IDs as active or inactive, and specify the Primary User ID.
A user must have a Primary User ID. By default, the system sets the initially added ID as the Primary User ID. The Primary User ID must be active. If a user has only one ID, that ID is the Primary User ID and cannot be inactivated unless another ID is added and set as the Primary User ID.
The system does not let you add an ID that already exists for another user. If a duplicate ID is found (perhaps because an ID used previously for a user has been assigned to a different user), then the system prompts you to select the user record you want.
Multiple IDs can be added when registering a new user or when modifying a user. For the helper to display, the helper must be enabled in the wizard properties. A user can have up to 100 active and 100 inactive IDs.
To manage IDs
If modifying a user, identify the user whose IDs you want to manage. |
The specified ID must be active.
If registering a user, first specify an ID for the new user. |
Click the User ID Manager helper. |
Do any of the following tasks: |
Add User IDs in the New User ID field either by scanning in IDs or by entering IDs and selecting Add (or pressing Enter). When added, new IDs appear sorted in the Active IDs list. |
Specify the Primary User ID by selecting an ID from the Primary User ID list. Because the Primary User ID must be active, the list only displays available active IDs. If the ID you want to set as the Primary User ID is inactive, set the ID as active, then set it as the Primary User ID. |
Set IDs as inactive by moving IDs from the Active IDs list to the Inactive IDs list. While an ID is selected as the Primary User ID, the ID cannot be moved to the Inactive IDs list. Select a different Primary User ID, then move the previous Primary User ID to the Inactive IDs list. |
Set IDs as active by moving IDs from the Inactive IDs list to the Active IDs list. |
Discard IDs by moving IDs from the Inactive IDs list to the Discard IDs list. |
When finished managing IDs, click OK to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. |
Important Considerations When Using this Helper
Added user IDs are subject to custom barcode validation as configured. With custom barcode validation enabled, (1) an invalid ID cannot be added and (2) a barcode may be modified by the barcode validation routine after being added. |
Active IDs can be used to identify a user. Once identified, the Primary User ID is displayed for the user record. Inactive IDs cannot be used to identify a user, except when modifying a user. Discarded IDs are disassociated from the user and removed from the system. (When a user record is deleted, the system removes all user IDs.) |
When moving IDs from one list to another, you can select multiple user IDs to be moved. |
You can use the Tab and Shift+Tab to move through the interface. You can use Alt+Right Arrow to move selected IDs from the Active IDs list to the Inactive IDs list or from the Inactive IDs list to the Discarded IDs list. You can use Alt+Left Arrow to move selected IDs from the Inactive IDs list to the Active IDs list or from the Discarded IDs list to the Inactive IDs list. |
Searching active or inactive User IDs is affected by the Configure Checking Previous ID When User ID Is Not Found policy (Configuration > Global Configuration > User Information). |
Related topics
Modify User Wizard
Modify User Wizard Properties
New User Registration Wizard
New User Registration Wizard Properties
Configure Checking Previous User ID When User ID Is Not Found Policy
Load Users Report
FAQs: Searching User Records
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