Circulation > Modify User Wizard > Modify User Wizard Properties

Modify User Wizard Properties

You can change certain system settings for the Modify User wizard using the Set Properties window. The Modify User wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the Modify User wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Behavior tab, you can set up your system to allow these variations to the wizard process.

Edit Options

Under Edit Options, select or clear the appropriate check boxes to display the corresponding tabs in the Modify User wizard. These options include the following.

Show Demographics Tab
Show Accountability Tab
Show Addresses Tab
Show Extended Info Tab
Show SMS Notice Contact Info Tab
Show User Groups Tab

See User Information Tabs for more information.

Privilege Tab

Under Privilege Tab, select or clear any of the following check boxes.

Show Privilege Tab – Displays privilege information in the Modify User wizard.
Allow Privilege Renewal By Profile – Displays a check box that, when selected, renews a user’s library privileges based on the user profile.
Profile Modified/Auto Extend Privilege – Automatically extends a user’s library privileges when the user’s profile changes. Privileges will be changed according to the selected user profile.

Important: If you attempt to modify the privilege expiration date in the wizard, but have this property selected, the privilege limit date in the user profile will always overwrite the custom privilege date. The wizard will display a confirmation message explicitly stating the new date.

Show Web Auth ID – Controls the display of the Web Auth ID field, which is used to specify a Web authentication key to be used for a centralized authentication server. Select this check box to display the field in the Privilege tab, or clear the check box to hide the field.
Show BLUEcloud Staff ID – Controls the display of the BLUEcloud Staff ID field, which is used to specify a BLUEcloud identification key (usually an e-mail address). SirsiDynix BLUEcloud applications match the value SirsiDynix Symphony stores in this field to the BLUEcloud Staff ID the user types in the BLUEcloud product interface. Select this check box to display the field in the Privilege tab, or clear the check box to hide the field.

Outreach Tabs

Under Outreach Tabs, you can set options to control the display of outreach information for users.

Outreach tabs display only if your system is configured with the Outreach Services module.

Show Outreach Tab – Select the check box to display outreach information in the Modify User wizard.
Interests – The Interests field controls what information displays in the Modify User wizard’s Outreach Interest tab. In the Interests list, select the option you want to use for the Interests field.
All — Displays all of the user’s outreach interest profiles.
Active — Displays the user’s active interest profiles.
Inactive — Displays the user’s inactive interest profiles.
None — Does not display any of the user’s interest profiles.
Histories — The Histories field controls what information displays in the Modify User’s Outreach Histories tab. In the Histories list, select the option you want to use for the History field.
All— Displays all of the user’s history records
Rejections — Displays only rejected history records.
Selections — Displays the user’s inactive history profiles.
None — Does not display any of the user’s history profiles.

Smart Card

Under Smart Card, the following property displays.

Replace With Smart Card Data — This property displays only when the Mifare Smart Card reader feature is configured. If this check box is selected, the user data from the Smart Card will replace the current user record information. The library staff member will have the opportunity to select which fields in the user record will be updated with the Smart Card data.

Inactive IDs

Move lost user ID to inactive IDs — Select this check box to move the user ID of the lost card to the inactive ID list when a new user ID is assigned to a user.

At End of Wizard

Under At End of Wizard, select one of the following options.

Show Checked Buttons specifies which command buttons display as choices for the wizard’s final step. Under Show, the following options are available. By default, all check boxes are selected.
Modify Another User returns to the Modify User window for you to continue editing user records.
Make More Changes returns to the Modify User window for you to make additional changes to the current user record.
Close exits the wizard.
Perform Selected Action specifies which action will be automatically performed as the wizard’s final step. Under Perform, select one of the following options to be performed automatically as the wizard’s final step.
Modify Another User returns to the Modify User window for you to continue editing user records.
Close exits the wizard.


Make selections for the following default properties.

Focus On — Click either First Name or Last Name, and the cursor will focus on this field when you open this wizard. Last Name is the default.
Responsibility Policy – This property only displays if your system is configured to use User Groups. From the drop-down list, select the user Responsibility policy to be applied to the user record being modified. The available values in the list are determined by your policies. See the User Group Responsibility Wizard topic for information.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the helpers you want to display in the Modify User wizard. You can also set options for managing patron photos, if they are configured to appear for your library.



User Search Helper

Used to identify a user. For more information, see User Search Helper.

Display User Helper

Used to display user information. For more information, see Display User Helper.

Remove Group Membership Helper

Used to replace a user's ID by identifying the user, and then entering a new user ID. For more information, see Remove Group Membership Helper.

User ID Manager Helper

Used to register a new user. For more information, see User ID Manager Helper.

Print User Card Helper

Used to accept bill payment. For more information, see Print User Card Helper.

Enable add photo

Lets users click on a photo placeholder to add a photo to the patron's user record using the Update User Photo Helper.

Enable edit photo

Lets users click on the current photo to change or delete the photo in the patron's user record using the Update User Photo helper.

Start with Search Helper

Opens the User Search helper automatically as the first step in the Checkout wizard. By default, this check box is not selected.

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