WorkFlows Toolkit > Helpers > Modify Selected Items Helper > Modify Selected Items Helper Properties

Modify Selected Items Helper Properties

The Modify Selected Items helper allows the following properties to be set.

Changes you make to this helper’s properties apply globally whenever this helper is used.

Behavior Tab

On the Behavior tab, the following properties appear.

Search Library Preferences

The Search Library List Type property allows the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator to control what libraries are accessible in the Search Library list when searching items. The following selections are available. Search by Library is the default option.

Search by Library — If you click this option, the Search Library List property becomes active. The libraries presented in this property list are defined in Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Search Library policies.)

From the drop-down list, select one of the following Search Library lists.

All – Includes all libraries on the system
Acquisition Display Libs – Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s Acquisitions Display Libraries attribute
Bill Display Libs – Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s Bill Display Libraries attribute
Circulation Display Libs – Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s Circulation Display Libraries attribute (which is the default)
User Display Libs – Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s User Display Libraries attribute
Search by Search Library Group — If you click this option, the Search Library list will be built from values in the Search Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)
Search by Library or Search Library Group — If you click this option, all libraries on your system and all Search Library policies will be included in the Search Library list. The libraries and Search Library policies will be inter-filed alphabetically. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)

If your search does not produce any hits, you will be sent to a browse window, and the browse search results will no longer be filtered by your library search selection.


On the Defaults tab, you can set default properties for search preferences and item tree defaults.

Search Preferences

The Search Preferences defaults are used when you search the item database.

In the Type list, select the default search type you want to use when you start the helper. You have three options.
Keyword Search
Browse Search
Exact Search
In the Index list, select the default search index you want to use when you start the helper.
In the Library list, select the default search library. You can search a single library, library group, or all libraries. This property limits only the search library for title-level records. If the titles have call numbers and items belonging to other libraries, the wizard will display them.

Item Tree Defaults

This property controls the display of the item tree in both the search window view pane and on the detailed display screen’s Call Number/Item tab for multilibrary systems. Choose one of the following options.

Item Tree Display Expanded – Displays item tree with all call numbers expanded.
Item Tree Display Collapsed – Displays item tree with the user’s library call numbers expanded and all others collapsed.

Additional call numbers that do not belong to the user’s library may be expanded, as follows.

If the user reaches the Call Number/Item tab by way of clicking on a current title.
If the user reaches the Call Number/Item tab by way of selecting a different call number or item from the view pane.
If a call number or item is a default item.
If a new call number or item is added.
If a library does not own any call numbers or items for a title, the first title that displays is expanded by default.

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