Browse Search
The Browse search option produces a list in the alphabetic vicinity of the term you typed. The second item in the list—the closest match—will be highlighted, and from that point you can browse forward or backward in the list.
The search indexes that display are wizard-specific. For more information on search indexes, go to Search Indexes.
When a catalog term is searched, the type of term browsed displays above the browse list. Headings linked to a single bibliographic record display the number one at the end of the line. If a larger number displays, it indicates number of times the heading occurs in the database. You can display a sublist for headings linked to more than one record in the View pane by highlighting the record in the hitlist. The following search indexes support browsing.
Author – Browses last name only |
Call Number – Browses only one library at a time, displaying each number of copies |
Course ID – Available in Academic Reserves and Academic Reservations only |
Course Name – Available in Academic Reserves and Academic Reservations only |
General – Browses only subject indexes |
Instructor ID – Available in Academic Reserves and Academic Reservations only |
Instructor Name – Available in Academic Reserves and Academic Reservations only |
Order ID – Available only when browsing Orders |
Packing List – Available only when browsing Orders |
Periodical Title – Browses only the periodical index |
Requisition Number – Available only when browsing Orders according to Session Settings |
Title Control Number – Browses by original prefix and subsequent digits |
If you set options in the Configure Options for Item Search Helper, it is possible to browse an empty search string. All items for the selected search criteria appear, starting at the beginning of the browse list. The indexes selected in the Item Search window are ignored for this type of search.
When browsing by requisition number or packing list, orderlines for which no data was entered at the time of order display NONE for requisition number. However, you cannot enter a Search by requisition number for NONE to retrieve only orderlines without requisition numbers.
You can also display a single record using the Browse search, but only if the entire number is entered. The $ truncation symbol cannot be used with these fields. The following search indexes support this type of searching.
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