The Load Offline Transactions (Loadstand) report loads transactions that were recorded by Offline WorkFlows during the previous week into SirsiDynix Symphony.
The SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished list.
The Load Offline Transactions report contains the following tabs.
• | Basic Tab: Reports |
• | Reserve Policy Tab |
• | Transaction Selection Tab |
the basic workflow of collecting and applying offline transactions is as follows:
1 | Use Offline WorkFlows for recording offline transactions when the SirsiDynix Symphony server is unavailable. |
As you work, transactions are written to a log file named for the library selected in the Library field of the Report Session wizard in Offline WorkFlows. This log file is created in the login\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG directory in the home directory of your login, which is typically Documents and Settings for Windows workstations. For example, if you logged into the workstation at the Washington Library as CIRCMAIN, the log file is in Documents and Settings\CIRCMAIN\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\WASHINGTON.
2 | When the server becomes available again, the next step is transferring offline transactions when the server is available. |
When WorkFlows connects to the server, the Documents and Settings\login\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\LibraryName file is automatically transferred to the server as Unicorn/Standalone/Library/standlog.x, where LibraryName is the name of the library at which the transactions were recorded, and x is the station number. The original LOG/Library file on the workstation is removed.
For example, on workstation number 1, the CIRCMAIN\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\WASHINGTON file will be transferred to the server as Unicorn/Standalone/WASHINGTON/standlog.1.
3 | On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, run the Load Offline Transactions report. By default the report gathers only those transasctions that occurred during the previous seven days (however, you can modify the range in the Transaction Selection tab). |
Note: The Load Offline Transactions log will note if any older transactions were found. These transactions are appended to a file named old_transactions and saved in the /Unicorn/standalone/LibraryName/ directory. Library staff can examine this file to determine how each transaction should be handled.
Each library’s standalone.x files are combined, sorted, and processed. The combined standlog.x files will be renamed ostandlog. Any transactions that cannot be processed are moved to the Unicorn/Standalone/oerrors file on the SirsiDynix Symphony server.
User records that were added in Offline WorkFlows are not searchable until the Add, Delete, Update User (Aduusertext) report is run on the library server.
Important considerations
Offline WorkFlows adds an override code to all transactions. However, certain offline transactions may not load. The following reasons commonly cause offline transactions to fail.
• | User is BLOCKED or BARRED (if the Update User Delinquency Status report was recently run and the delinq file is in the \Sirsi\Jwf\Configure directory on the client workstation) |
• | User not found |
• | Item not found |
If the delinq file in the /Sirsi/Standalone directory on the SirsiDynix Symphony server or in the \Sirsi\Jwf\Configure directory on the workstation is outdated or missing, the offline transactions for a BLOCKED or BARRED user will still be transferred when the WorkFlows client connects to the server.
When the Load Offline Transactions report is run on the SirsiDynix Symphony server, the BLOCKED or BARRED user’s status is first changed to OK, and the transactions for the user are loaded into SirsiDynix Symphony. Then the user status is returned to BLOCKED or BARRED. This feature of the report prevents the transactions from failing and the loss of the charge information in libraries that do not use the delinq file.
When offline transactions fail, library staff should manually review the transaction and take whatever steps required to best account for the material that is in the possession of the user. If the user is known, the block may be overridden to charge the item. If the user is not known, the item can be charged to MISSING.
In multilibrary sites, a charge at one library and a discharge at another library for the same item will always be chronologically sorted so that the charge is processed before the discharge.
If the library’s Global Configuration policy for the Charging of Items Already Charged policy is set to either Discharge Already Charged Items with Override or Discharge Already Charged Items without Override, the offline items are checked in before they are checked out to the new user.
In SirsiDynix Symphony K12, if your system is configured to allow duplicate item IDs in different school libraries, you cannot share materials across libraries.
Related topics
FAQs: Using the Load Offline Transactions Report
Update User Delinquency Status Report
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