FAQs: Creating and Displaying History Records
The following procedures describe variations to the standard history creation and display tasks.
How do I create a history record for a non-registered user?
Use the Register New User helper in the Create History wizard to create the user record and the history record.
To create a new user record and the history record
Verify that the Register New User check box is selected on the Helpers tab in the Create History wizard properties. |
Click the Create History wizard. |
The User Search window displays.
The Identify New User window displays.
Scan or type the new user ID in the User ID field, select a user profile for the user in the Profile Name list, and click OK. |
Click each tab in the User Registration window to add information about a user and his or her access. For more information on the fields used in the User Registration tabs, go to User Information Tabs. |
When you finish typing the information, click Register User. |
The Complete window displays the message Record Updated.
Click Current Wizard Task to return to the Create History wizard. The new user ID is entered in the User ID field. |
Continue to create history information for the user. |
How do I create a history record for a non-outreach user?
If you try to create history information for a non-outreach user, the following message displays.
User ID: Not an outreach user
To create a history record for a non-outreach user
In the message window, click OK. |
The Create Outreach Information window displays.
Type or select the outreach information for the user on the Outreach tab. |
Note: The Route ID field is required.
The outreach user record is created for the user.
Contuinue to create history information for the user. |
How do I display a history record for a user who lost his library card?
On the Display History Wizard click the User Lost Card Helper to display the user record, issue a replacement card, and display the user’s history record.
To display a history record for a user who lost a library card
Verify that the User Lost Card check box is selected on the Helpers tab in the Display History wizard properties. |
Click the Display History wizard. |
Click the User Lost Card helper. |
The User Search window displays.
Use the User Lost Card helper to locate the user record and assign a new card to the user. Refer to User Lost Card Helper for helper instructions. |
When the lost card has been deactivated and the new card has been assigned, a message displays in the Complete window.
Click Close to return to Display History wizard, and continue to display history record information for the user. |
How do I set display options for history records?
The history display options for the Display History wizard are found in the wizard’s Set Properties screen.
To customize the history display
Right-click the Display History wizard, and select Properties from the popup menu. |
Click the Defaults tab. |
Under General Preferences, select one of the following History Display options, and click OK. |
All displays all history records. |
Rejections displays only history records that have been rejected. |
Selections displays only history records that have been selected. |
None does not display any history records. |
Related topics
Create History Wizard
Display History Wizard
Outreach Records
FAQs: Searching User Records
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