Discharge Bookings Wizard Properties
You can change certain system settings for the Discharge Booking wizard using the Set Properties window. The Discharge Bookings wizard allows you to set the following properties.
Display Property Page
You can choose when to display the Discharge Bookings wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.
Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client. |
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu. |
Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.
On the Behavior tab, select or clear any of the check boxes to control how the wizard operates.
The Configure properties determine how the wizard operates in certain circumstances.
Hide Current Item – Controls the display of the Current item record button. If the check box is selected, the Current button will not appear under Identify Item to allow the user to select the most recently viewed or modified item for the checkin. If the check box is cleared, the Current button will appear. By default, this check box is selected. |
Display User Information – controls the display of user information during the item checkin. If the Configure Display of User Status Header attribute in the Global Configuration Wizard is set to Display User Status Header in Circulation Wizards, selecting the Display User Information check box will show information from the user record under User Information. Also, if this property is checked, user information will display in the Bookdrop wizard. By default, the check box is cleared. |
Pay Bills – When you click the Pay Bills helper, the Pay Bills screen displays so the user can take care of the patron’s outstanding bills. |
Display Instructions – Displays a message with instructions for items that are to be routed for special reshelving, for example— Holds shelf, Reserve Desk, and so on. |
Warning If User Delinquent – Displays a status alert window if the user’s status has a delinquency type of DELINQUENT, BLOCKED, or BARRED. |
Display Hold Instructions – Displays a message with instructions for items are to be routed to the Holds shelf for an available hold at the discharging library, or for items that are to be put in transit to fill a hold at another library. By default, this check box is cleared. |
Display ”Item Not Checked Out” Error in a Separate Window – Displays the Item not charged message in a separate window when the operator checks in an item that is currently not checked out. If the check box is cleared, the item is added to the list of discharges, and the ”Item Not Checked Out” message displays in the Message column for the item. |
Display In Transit Instructions – Displays a message with instructions for items that are to be put into transit for shelving at another library. By default, this check box is cleared. |
Display Circulation Note – If this property is selected, the item circulation note (if it exists) will display when item is used in a transaction in the wizard. |
Check for Claims Returned Items – If this property is selected, when discharging an item, the program displays an alert if a user has claimed to have returned the item. The name of the user who made the claim and the date of the claim appear on the alert. You can continue discharging and have the option of opening the user record to edit it (when Allow Modify User Prompt is selected), or canceling the discharge. When Check for Claims Returned Items is selected, Claims Returned Alert: Allow Modify User Prompt and Play Sound for Claims Returned Alert become active and can be selected. |
Claims Returned Alert: Allow Modify User Prompt – Adds the option to edit the user record to the Claims Returned alert. When selected, the program opens the Discharging: Modify User wizard after completely discharging the item. |
Display Bill Warning for Every Item – If this property is selected, when discharging multiple overdue items for the same user, SirsiDynix Symphony will display a warning message prompting the payment of a fine for each item. |
Accumulate Fines – Select one of the following settings depending on whether you want to accumulate fines for each patron during the discharge session. The property does not control whether or not fines are created at discharge/checkin, but rather controls if the created fines are grouped together by patron and totaled at the end of the session for easy payment. |
Yes – Wizard always accumulates or groups together fines for each patron. In the wizard, the Select All button will display above the list of discharged items when this option is selected. |
No – Fines will not be grouped together and totaled for each patron at checkin. |
Prompt – Asks if you want to accumulate fines,Yes/No. |
When the Accumulate Fines property is set to Yes, the user column displays in the List of Discharges on the Discharge wizard. The user column contains the User ID. You can click the User ID to display a user glossary.
When the Accumulate Fines property is set to Yes and the Pay Bill helper is accessed after items have been checked in, the bills/fines created during the checkin session will display for each patron. All fines created during the session can be paid, or an individual fine can be paid. If fines are paid from the Total Amount owed field, the Change field will display next to the amount owed. If a fine/bill is paid from the inside the list, the change will not display.
You can set options for playing a sound alert for various circulation functions. You can choose to turn on sound alerts for Holds available, Transits, User Delinquent, Item not charged and Item not in catalog.
For each alert that you want to play a sound, check the appropriate check box. |
To specify the sound file to play for each alert, click the gadget for each corresponding sound file. In the Select File dialog box, type or select the sound file you want to play when the alert occurs. Sound files have a.WAV extension. |
Configure Properties
You can select the following check boxes to allow the following print settings.
Print Available Hold Slips – Prints slips for items that are now available to satisfy a hold. |
Print Transit Slips – Prints slips listing the library to which the item is to be sent. (This check box displays only for multilibrary systems.) |
Print Reshelving Slips – Prints slips listing the location where the item is to be reshelved. |
Click each of the printing slips buttons to configure receipt headers, receipt fields, and receipt footers. For more information, go to Receipt Printing Properties.
You must define receipt printer availability options on the Preference menu. The receipt printer must be your Windows default printer to use the Wizard slip printing function.
On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the wizard.
Automatic Payment Defaults
The automatic payment defaults are used when the system is configured to automatically pay fines with funds from the user’s credit account. When a bill is created during discharge and is automatically paid by credit account, the bill will be paid with the selected Payment Type. The credit transaction issued to pay the bill will be updated with the selected Credit Reason.
Payment Type – Specifies the default payment type to be used when a fine or bill is automatically paid. The default Payment Type should reflect that the bill was paid with funds from the Credit Account (CREDITACCT). |
Credit Reason – Specifies the credit reason to be used when a fine or bill is automatically paid at discharge from a credit account. A credit reason describes why the credit was issued. The list of available credit reasons is defined in the Credit Reason policies, and only withdrawal credit reasons display for this wizard. An example of a withdrawal credit reason is AUTOPAYMENT. |
Automatic Refund Defaults
The following fields specify defaults to be used when generating automatic refunds.
Payment Type – Specifies the payment type to be used when a bill is automatically refunded and a credit is added to the user’s credit account. The default payment type for automatic refunds is NONE, which means no payment type is specified when a refund is automatically added to the user’s credit account. |
Credit Reason – Specifies the default credit reason to be used when a bill is automatically refunded at the discharge of a lost item that was already paid for by a user. A credit reason describes why the credit was issued to the user’s credit account. The list of available credit reasons is defined in the Credit Reason policies. The default credit reason for automatic refunds is REFUND. |
On the Helpers tab, you can select the helpers you want to use in the Discharge Bookings wizard. Click a specific Helper button to display the Helper properties that you can set.
Related topics
Discharge Bookings Wizard
Understanding Properties
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