Create Bookings Wizard
The Create Bookings wizard guides you through the process of creating a booking. A booking is a means of reserving library material for a date and time up to two years in the future.
To create a booking for a single item
For step–by–step instructions on creating multiple copy or recurrent bookings, see FAQs: Creating Booking Information.
Click the Create Bookings wizard. |
Identify the user who needs to book the item. If desired, use the User Search Helper to search for the user, and click Create Booking. The helper will automatically fill in the User ID box with the ID you select. |
Identify the item that you wish to book. If desired, use the Item Search Helper to bring up a title or list of titles. You can determine if a particular title already has bookings by clicking on the item and selecting the Bookings tab. Once you have selected an item from the list, first click Retain for Booking, then click Create Booking. If the item does not have a Media Desk associated with it, you will be given the opportunity to assign one. |
Note: If the Booking Profile policy assigned to the item you are booking has Rotate Copies:Yes selected, then the copy that you select when creating a booking will not necessarily be the one that is booked. It is also important to note that in this situation the system assumes that all other copies belonging to this call number will be in the rotation (if the copies are bookable). Because of this behavior, it is recommended that all copies belonging to a call number have the Booking Profile policy Rotate Copies selection set with the same value.
If your Booking Criteria properties are set to Group Booking, you must also select a booking group in the Booking Group list in the Set Properties window. The Booking Group list contains values based on the Booking Profile policies.
If the booking profile associated with the item type of the copy uses fixed time slots, a Create Bookings: Enter Start Date window will display. |
The wizard will open the Assign Patron Booking Period window. The Calendar tab appears for both single-type and group-type bookings. The Shipping tab appears for single bookings; the Requirements tab appears for group bookings. Click each tab and make the following selections. |
On the Calendar Tab, select the Start and End Days and Times for your booking. If using fixed time slots, this will be a Time Slot tab, from which the time for the booking should be selected from a drop down list. |
On the Shipping Tab (this tab appears if the Booking Profile is shippable), choose the Shipping Schedule policies for delivery and return shipping. |
On the Requirements Tab, specify how many of each item is needed in the Quantity box. The Booking Profile for each item is defined in the booking group's Booking Profile policy. The Delivery Shipping Policy and Return Shipping Policy for each item is defined in the user's User Profile policy. |
On the Booking Info Tab, information for the booking is displayed. Select a pickup library in the Pickup At box. If no pickup library is selected, the user’s library will be set as the pickup library by default. The pickup library option will not appear on a single–library system. |
After the booking record has been created, select one of the following options.
Add Extended Info to allow the addition of extended information to your booking record on the Extended Info tab |
Make More Changes to modify the record you just created |
Create Another Booking to create another booking for the same user |
Create Recurrent Bookings to create a booking of the same material at the same day and time for a specified period |
Close to exit the wizard |
Appropriate booking policies must have been defined before a booking can be created.
If the user is DELINQUENT or BLOCKED, an alert window will appear. Additionally, if there are any notes in the user record, these will appear in the alert window.
Related topics
Create Bookings Wizard Properties
User Search Helper
Register New User Helper
User Lost Card Helper
Item Search Helper
FAQs: Creating Booking Information
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