Data sent from the server to a workstation client cannot be displayed in the window correctly unless the data is properly formatted. All SirsiDynix Symphony utilities use full screen formatting, so data coming from the server must be formatted for the kind of workstation client receiving it. A user accessing SirsiDynix Symphony must identify the station type at the initial SirsiDynix Symphony access point. For example, the Circulation workstation client connects through a different port each time a user logs in; however, user workstations are on all workstations, so the station name CIRCPC can provide the correct station identification each time. If the station identification cannot be linked to a port, then each time a user accesses SirsiDynix Symphony, the user is asked for station identification. SirsiDynix Symphony will not let a user proceed if a valid station from the displayed list is not selected.
Station policies are typically used when dealing with financial transactions. However, they can also be used to help you in tracking down problems because you can see what station was used at a specific date and time in the history. Or, these policies can be used for activity reports to get a better idea of staffing needs. Finally, the station policy is used in Symphony Web Services for logging and statistics, permissions or filtering, order of results, or workflows. For more information, see the SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services Setup Guide.
The Station policy name is specified on the Configuration window in WorkFlows. On the Preference menu, click Configuration, and the Configuration window appears. For more information, go to Configuring Login Settings.
From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Station policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.
The Station wizard includes the following attributes.
• | Name |
• | Description |
• | Type |
• | Library |
• | Location |
• | Port |
• | Terminal |
• | Character Translation |
• | Color Workstation |
• | Platform |
• | Receipt Printer Attached |
• | Reader Attached |
The Name attribute typically represents a particular type of workstation, the location of the workstation, or the name of the user. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.
This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.
Stations must belong to one of the following categories.
• | Port — The station is directly connected to a serial port on the server. If a station is identified as type: Port, then the server serial port to which the station is connected must be identified. Port-type stations should be named by the server’s serial port name, as in TTY6 or TTY14. PORT-type stations require the Port, Location, Library, and Terminal Type attributes. |
• | Named — Although the station is not directly connected to the server, it has a fixed-purpose and library location, such as a circulation terminal connected to the server through a local network. Both the terminal type and the location can be defined, but the port name cannot be defined. Named-type stations should be identified by location, as in CIRC3 or PUBLIC5. Named-type stations require the Location, Library, and Terminal Type attributes (port cannot be defined because it will always be different). |
• | Floating — The station accessing the system is not directly connected to the server computer and not located physically within the library (has no fixed library function). Only the Terminal (station) attribute is required for Floating stations; the Port and Location attributes cannot be defined. You can optionally specify a default Library attribute for Floating station policies. Floating-type stations should be identified by Terminal Type name, as in WYSE30 or VT100. |
Note: Libraries configured to use Cash Management functionality should specify a default Library policy for point of sale reporting purposes.
If a Station policy has the Station Type attribute set to Port or Name, then the station also requires a Library attribute. This attribute is optional for Floating station policies. The established library names have been created in the SirsiDynix Symphony policies. Select a library from the list. The Library Policy helper (Library Wizard) is available for you to modify library policies, if needed.
Note: Libraries configured to use Cash Management functionality should specify a default Library policy for point of sale reporting purposes.
If a Station policy has the Station Type attribute set to Port or Name, then the station also requires a Location attribute. The established locations have been created in the SirsiDynix Symphony polices. This location name is used to instruct the workstation client to print a Route To shelving slip when a book is discharged that does not have the location of the current station (if shelving slips are required by the library). Select a location from the list. The Location Policy helper (Location Wizard) is available for you to create a new location policies or modify an existing policies, if needed.
For example, if a circulation desk station identification contains a location attribute of STACKS and a book whose home location is GOVTDOCS is discharged, and a receipt printer is configured and online, the workstation client will print a routing slip with the following message.
If a Station policy has the Station Type attribute set to Port, then the station also requires a UNIX port or tty name.
Each station must have an assigned UNIX terminal name. UNIX terminal names are not the same as station names; the library cannot create new terminal names. The /Unicorn/Custom/terminaltype file lists all terminals supported by SirsiDynix. If the library has a workstation in the library not on this list of UNIX terminal names, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support for assistance. Select a terminal from the list.
If a station policy needs to allow other terminal emulation and if characters need to be changed from one series to another, select the appropriate character translation table. Select a translation from the list. The Character Translation Policy helper (Character Translation Wizard) is available for you to create a new character translation or modify an existing one, if necessary.
Each station has a Color attribute which should be selected for a color host, microstation, or X-station. Clear this check box for monochrome hosts, microstations, X-stations.
This attribute specifies whether the workstation is a host, microstation, or X-station. This attribute is used by SirsiDynix Symphony to determine whether screens and key definitions are resident on the workstation or being supplied by the server.
Select this check box to indicate whether a receipt printer is attached.
Select this check box to indicate whether a barcode or OCR reader is attached to a workstation using this Station.
Related topics
Access Control Configuration Wizards
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