Collection Exchange > FAQs for the Collection Exchange Module > Calculating the Number of Items to Exchange or Return

Calculating the Number of Items to Exchange or Return

The following are two work flows that SirsiDynix Symphony uses to calculate the number of items to exchange.

HQ-to-Branch Exchanges
Branch-to-Branch Exchanges

HQ-to-Branch Exchanges

For HQ-to-Branch Exchanges, SirsiDynix Symphony simultaneously calculates the number of items the HQ should send to a branch and the number of items the branch should return to the HQ.

Branch: number of items to return to HQ

The formula used depends on number of items currently in exchange at branch compared to the branch’s target quota by type/category.

Current quantity in exchange at branch is at or above target: Surplus + Per Exchange = Return Quantity
Current quantity in exchange at branch is below target: Per Exchange = Return Quantity

These calculations appear in the My Exchange State wizard.

HQ: number of items to exchange to branch

The formula used depends on number of items currently in exchange at branch compared to the branch’s target quota by type/category.

The following calculations will appear in the Exchange Items wizard.

Current quantity in exchange at branch is at, above, or below target: Return Quantity + (Target - In exchange) = Suggested Exchange

Branch-to-Branch Exchanges

For Branch-to-Branch Exchanges, the following formula is used.

Per Exchange (from activated library’s profile) - Local Pending Shipping + Reciprocal Exchange = Suggested Exchange.

These calculations appear in the Exchange Items wizard.

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