User Lost Card Wizard Properties
You can change certain system settings for the User Lost Card wizard using the Set Properties window. The User Lost Card wizard allows you to set the following properties.
Display Property Page
You can choose when to display the User Lost Card wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.
Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client. |
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu. |
Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.
On the Behavior tab, select the appropriate check boxes to display corresponding tabs for the Addresses Tab, the Bookings Tab, the Extended Info Tab and the Routings Tab in the Display User wizard. For information on these fields, go to User Information Tabs.
Bill Card Replacement Fee to User
Select the desired card replacement fee option.
Yes - If selected, will automatically bill a replacement card fee when a user’s card is marked as LOST. The bill reason is taken from the Reason for Bill property setting in the User Lost Card wizard. The amount of the bill is determined by the Card Replacement Fee policy. Where applicable, taxes will be applied according to the Circulation Tax policy associated with the Bill Reason policy. The user will be billed even if the user profile is not billable. |
No - If selected, will not bill a replacement card fee when a user’s card is marked as LOST. |
Prompt - If selected, will, if prompted, bill a replacement card fee when a user’s card is marked as LOST. The bill reason is taken from the Reason for Bill property setting in the User Lost Card wizard. The amount of the bill is determined by the Card Replacement Fee policy. Where applicable, taxes will be applied according to the Circulation Tax policy associated with the Bill Reason policy. The user will be billed even if the user profile is not billable. |
This property is set to Prompt by default.
Reason for Bill - This property lets you choose the default reason for the bill created when the Bill Card Replacement Fee to User option is selected. It is set to LOSTCARD by default.
Display Bill and Allow Payment for the Card Replacement Fee - Select this check box to allow immediate payment for the Card Replacement Fee. This property is checked by default.
If the Card Replacement Fee policy is not defined OR all lines are set to charge $0.00 fee, the prompts for charging a card replacement fee and immediately paying a card replacement fee will not display even if the appropriate properties are selected.
Bills Tab
You can set properties to control what information displays in the User Lost Card wizard’s Bills tab.
Library – In this field select All libraries to display items checked out by the user at all of the libraries in your Circulation Library group, or select an individual library from your circulation library group. |
Bills – In the bills list, select the option you want to specify which bills display. |
All – Displays all bills associated with the user. |
None – Does not display any bills. |
Paid – Displays only paid bills associated with the user. |
Unpaid – Displays only unpaid bills associated with the user. |
Checkouts Tab
You can set properties to control what information displays in the Display User wizard’s Checkouts tab. Select either Checkout Library or Owning Library.
Checkout Library – Displays checked out items for each library where the user checked out items. |
Owning Library – Displays checked out items for each library that owns the items. |
After selecting either the Checkout or Owning library, make selections in the Library Field and the Type of Checkout field.
Library – Select All Libraries to display items checked out by the user at all of the libraries in your Circulation Library group, or select an individual library from your circulation library group. |
Type of Checkout field – Select one of the following options to specify what charges display. |
Active – Displays only active charges. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, and items the user renewed. This option is the default selection. |
All – Displays a complete list active and inactive charges for the user. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, items the user renewed, and items the user reported as lost or are assumed to be lost. |
Claims – Displays only charges that the user claims to have returned. |
Inactive – Displays only inactive charges. Inactive charges include items that are assumed to be lost, and items that have been marked as lost. Lost items remained charged to the user as an inactive charge until the user pays the lost item bill, or until the item is found and returned. |
Overdue – Displays only overdue charges. |
Recalls – Displays only recalled charges. |
Renews – Displays only charges that have been renewed. |
None – Does not displays any charges. |
Holds Tab
You can set properties to control what information displays in the User Lost Card wizard’s Holds tab.
Pickup library – Displays a user’s holds by the library specified for pickup. |
Placed at library – Displays a user’s holds by the library where the hold was placed. |
Owning library – Displays a user’s holds by the library that owns the items. |
After you made one of the previous selections, make selections from the Library field and the Type of hold field.
Library – Select All Libraries to display holds for users at all libraries in your user display library group, or select an individual library from your user display library group. |
Type of Hold field – Select one of the following options to specify which holds you want to display. |
All – Displays all holds for the user. |
Available – Displays only holds available for the user. |
Recalled – Displays only the user’s holds that have a Recall status. For more information on the Recall Status field, go to User Wizards Properties Fields |
Reserve – Displays only the user’s holds on items placed on academic reserve. |
None – Does not display any holds. |
Bookings Tab
The Bookings tab displays only if your system is configured with the Materials Booking module. You can set properties to control what information displays in the Display User’s Bookings tab.
Library – Select All Libraries to display bookings for users at all libraries in your user display library group, or select an individual library from your user display library group. |
Booking Start Date – Displays bookings that begin on or after the specified start date. |
Booking End Date – Displays bookings that finish on or before the specified end date. |
Outreach Tabs
Outreach tabs display only if your system is configured with the Outreach Services module. If you are using the Outreach Services module, you can set values for the Interests, Histories, and Library fields.
Select the Show Outreach Tab to display this tab in the User Display wizard.
Interests – The Interest field controls what information displays in the Display User wizard’s Outreach Interests tab. Select one of the following options. |
All – Displays all of the user’s outreach interest profiles. |
Active – Displays only the user’s active interest profiles. |
Inactive – Displays only the user’s inactive interest profiles. |
None – Does not display any of the user’s interest profiles. |
Histories – The Histories field controls what information displays in the Display User wizard’s Outreach Histories tab. Select one of the following options. |
All – Displays all of the user’s history records. |
None – Does not display any of the user’s history records. |
Rejections – Displays only rejected history records. |
Selections – Displays only selected history records. |
Library – Select either All Libraries to display holds for users at all libraries in your user display library group, or select an individual library from your user display library group. |
Smart Card
Under Smart Card, select or clear the following check box.
Replace With Smart Card Data — This property displays only when the Mifare Smart Card reader feature is configured. If this check box is selected, the user data from the Smart Card will replace the current user record information. The library staff member will have the opportunity to select which fields in the user record will be updated with the Smart Card data. |
Inactive IDs
Move lost user ID to inactive IDs — Select this check box to move the user ID of the lost card to the inactive ID list when a new user ID is assigned to a user.
At End of Wizard
Under At End of Wizard, select one of the following options.
Show Checked Buttons specifies which command buttons display as choices for the wizard’s final step. Under Show, the following options are available. By default, all check boxes are selected. |
Mark Another User’s Card Lost – to replace a card for another user. |
Close – to close the wizard. |
Perform Selected Action specifies which action will be automatically performed as the wizard’s final step. Under Perform, select one of the following options to be performed automatically as the wizard’s final step. |
Mark Another User’s Card Lost – to replace a card for another user. |
Close – to close the wizard. |
On the Helpers tab, you can select the User Search Helper to display with the User Lost Card wizard.
Start with Search Helper — Select this check box to open the User Search helper automatically as the first step in the User Lost Card wizard. By default, this check box is not selected.
Related topics
Understanding Properties
User Lost Card Wizard
FAQs: Defining Missing and Lost Policies
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