Review Vendor Invoices Wizard
Use the Review Vendor Invoices wizard to view summary information and detailed information about all invoices attributed to a vendor.
To review vendor invoice summary information
Under Type, click a search type (either Search, Browse, or Exact, or Current). If Current is selected, invoices for the most recently viewed or modified vendor display. |
Select a Created in Fiscal Cycle value from the list. |
Select one of the following search indexes in the Index list. Results lists will be sorted by the selected index. |
In the Library list, select an acquisitions library name to qualify the search. This field is required. |
Type any search text in the Search For field, and click Search. |
If a list of vendors appears, select a vendor, and click Display Invoices. |
Review information on the following tabs. See the tab topics for more information. |
The Save to a File Helper is available to save vendor invoice data from these tabs to a file on your workstation, that can later be opened in a spreadsheet application. |
To see summary information for all invoices for a library, leave the Search field blank and do not specify a vendor.
After reviewing vendor invoice summary information, click one of the following options.
Display Invoices to view invoices for the selected vendor |
Return to List to return to the list of searched vendors |
Display Another to search a new list of vendors |
Close to exit the Review Vendor Invoices wizard |
Related topics
Review Vendor Invoices Wizard Properties
Save to a File Helper
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