Display Title Reservations Wizard
Use the Display Title Reservations wizard to view a title’s reservation record(s). The Calendar Options provide the ability to limit the reservations display to a given date range.
To display a title’s reservations
Click the Display Title Reservations wizard. |
In the Item Search, search the title for which you want to display reservations. With the Display Title Reservations wizard, you have the additional search options of Job ID, Course ID, Course Name, Instructor ID, and Instructor Name. |
If a Current record exists, click the Current information link to access the last record displayed, modified, or added. If there is more than one title in your result, select the correct title record and click Display Title Reservations. |
If you search for reservations by job ID, the list of reservations displays the booking ID, booking job ID, and title for each reservation. Click the glossaries to view more information about these reservations. |
If you search for reservations using the course searches, the Item Search window will display a browse list of courses. The View pane (at the bottom of the Item Search window) displays the List of Instructors Tab and List of Reserves Tab for the course you select. Select an instructor/reserve combination on these tabs and click Display Reservation to see associated reservation information (if any reservations exist). |
If you search for reservations using the instructor searches, the Item Search window will display a browse list of instructors. The View pane (at the bottom of the Item Search window) displays the List of Courses Tab and List of Reserves Tab for the instructor you select. Select a course/reserve item combination on these tabs, and click Display Reservation to see associated reservation information (if any reservations exist). |
Once you’ve selected a title reservation for display, the Display Title’s Reservation Details window appears. |
Under Change Reservation Lookup Options, you can further filter the title’s list of reservations by pickup library, reservation start date, and reservation end date. Update the list by clicking Display Title Reservations.
At the top of the window, click the item information display button to view additional information about the reservation title. |
Click the Calendar Tab to see the date(s) of the title’s reservation(s). Dates in red are days on which reservations have been made for the item, and you can click the red dates to see user information, start reservation date and time, and end reservation date and time. |
Click the Reservations Tab to see a list of reservations for the title. Each reservation displays the user name, start reservation date/time, and end reservation date /time, and date/time charged, if the reservation is checked out. |
After viewing a title’s reservations, click one of the following options.
Return to Search to return to the previous search results |
New Search to search a new title |
Close to exit the wizard |
Related topics
Display Title Reservations Wizard Properties
FAQs: Displaying a Title’s Reservations
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