When you highlight an item in the item tree, the view pane displays the following item statistical fields.
• | Checkouts to Date |
• | Current Location |
• | Date Created |
• | Date Last Charged |
• | Date Last Cleared |
• | Date Last Discharged |
• | Date Inventoried |
• | Ongoing Checkouts |
• | Ongoing Renewals |
• | Home Location |
• | Item Categories |
• | Item Type |
• | In-house Uses |
• | Last Activity |
• | Media Desk |
• | Previous User ID |
• | Price |
• | Renewals to Date |
• | Times Inventoried |
• | Total Checkouts |
When you highlight a title node in the item tree, the view pane displays the following title summary statistical fields.
• | Checkouts to Date |
• | Renewals to Date |
• | Ongoing Checkouts |
• | Ongoing Renewals |
This is the number of checkouts since the field was last cleared by the Reset Item Counters report. This report is scheduled to run at a pre-determined interval (daily, weekly, monthly) to clear the Checkouts to Date and Renewals to Date fields so that sites can gather periodic item circulation information.
When you highlight an item in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of checkouts for this item for a pre-determined interval (daily, weekly, monthly).
When you highlight a title node in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of checkouts for all items linked to this title for the last defined interval.
Note: It is possible that the Reset Item Counters report may have been run so that items for a title may have different Last Cleared Dates. This means that the title summary numbers reflect “current” checkouts, not checkouts since a specific Last Cleared Date.
When the Checkouts to Date field is cleared by the Reset Item Counters report, the Date Last Cleared field is reset to the date the report was run. Checkout statistics will then accrue for the next interval. It is recommended that the report be run on the same date/interval once the library has decided upon a statistical time interval that suits their needs.
This field displays where the item is now. Current location names often correspond to the various statuses (CHECKEDOUT, LOST, MISSING, REPAIR) assigned by the library. If the item is not in a special status location, the current location is equal to the item’s home location.
The item record was created on this date.
The item was last charged on this date.
The is the date the Checkouts to Date and Renewals to Date fields were last cleared by the Reset Item Counters report.
The item was last discharged on this date.
The item was inventoried in SirsiDynix Symphony on this specified date. Inventories are conducted using the Inventory group reports or by using the Inventory Item wizard.
When you highlight an item in the item tree, the view pane displays the total number of checkouts for the item, since the item was created.
When you highlight a title node in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of checkouts for all items linked to this title for the last defined interval.
This field is not cleared by the Reset Item Counters report.
Note: For sites upgrading to Version 3.3, the Ongoing Checkouts field will be accurate for items created after the upgrade.
When you highlight an item in the item tree, the view pane displays the total number of renewals for the item, since the item was created.
When you highlight a title node in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of renewals for all items linked to this title.
This field is not cleared by the Reset Item Counters report.
Note: For sites upgrading to Version 3.3, the Ongoing Renewals field will be accurate for items created after the upgrade.
This field displays where the item belongs in the owning library. Home location names usually correspond to the various collections in the library. All locations are defined in the library policies and include special status location types, which may be preferred for titles entered for that purpose.
These fields display the Item Category policies linked to the item. The Item Category policies (Item Categories 1-5) denote an item’s special characteristics for collection management and statistical analysis.
This field displays the Item Type policy linked to the item. An Item Type policy describes an item’s circulation characteristics.
In a circulation summary, the total In-house Uses field reflects the total number of times any of the copies, across all volumes, call numbers, and libraries associated with this title, were marked as used with the Mark Item Used wizard.
This is the date that the item was last used for any one of a wide range of activities: check out, check in, renewal, item use, inventory, booking, and more.
This is the media desk associated with this item. The Media Desk policy defines booking profiles and shipping schedules for booking items.
This is the user ID of the user who previously checked out this item. Sites can configure whether or not this field will display.
This is the price of the item listed in the item record.
This is the number of renewals since the field was last cleared by the Reset Item Counters report. This report is scheduled to run at a pre-determined interval (daily, weekly, monthly) to clear the Checkouts to Date and Renewals to Date fields so that sites can gather periodic item circulation information.
When you highlight an item in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of renewals for this item for a pre-determined interval (daily, weekly, monthly).
When you highlight a title node in the item tree, the view pane displays the number of renewals for all items linked to this title for the last defined interval.
Note: It is possible that the Reset Item Counters report may have been run so that items for a title may have different Last Cleared Dates. This means that the title summary numbers reflect “current” renewals, not renewals since a specific Last Cleared Date.
When the Renewals to Date field is cleared by the Reset Item Counters report, the Date Last Cleared field is reset to the date the report was run. Renewal statistics will then accrue for the next interval. It is recommended that the report be run on the same date/interval once the library has decided upon a statistical time interval that suits their needs.
This is the number of times this item was inventoried in SirsiDynix Symphony. Inventories are conducted using the reports in the All Inventory report group or by using the Inventory Item wizard.
In a circulation summary, the Total Checkouts field reflects the total number of checkouts and renewals for this item.
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