The Received tab displays the issues for which some or all of the copies have been received. Each issue listed represents a Receipt record. If there are currently no received issues, the following message appears.
No Issues Received
A list of all received issues displays in a table, providing the following field information for each issue.
• | Chronology |
• | Date Expected |
• | Date Received |
• | Enumeration |
You can select the following sort order options for the received issues that display this tab.
• | Order of Issues – Issues can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order. |
• | Sorted By – Issues can be sorted by Enumeration, Date Received, or Date Expected. |
If the list of received issues fills more than one wizard window, you can move forward or backward through the list using the Browse Forward or Browse Backward buttons.
Additional issue details may be displayed by clicking the More button, or by using the Show Issue Detail Helper.
The following tools appear on the Received tab depending on the wizard you are using and how properties are set.
• | Create a Receipt Tool |
• | Change an Issue Tool |
• | Delete Received Issue(s) Tool |
• | Unreceive Issue(s) Tool |
• | Modify Vendor Information Tool |
The following fields are defined for the Received tab.
Enumeration identifies an issue of a serial title by the numeric information printed on a particular issue. This may generally be defined as the volume, issue, and any item numbers displayed on the issue. Each prediction record includes an enumeration field.
The Chronology field contains the date published on the issue. When generating prediction records, the chronology pattern value begins with the date of the next issue of prediction records you want to generate. Each subsequent chronology pattern value in a list of predicted issues will follow the same format, sequentially, of the first issue. The format for entering the originating date into the Chronology field is dependent on the name pattern stated in the Chronology Type field of the Patterns tab.
This field contains the expected receipt date of an issue as defined by the library. This field is used when generating prediction records, and will indicate the date that the next issue for this generated prediction is expected to be received by the library. Use the Calendar gadget to enter a date in this field.
If copies have been received for the selected issue, the receipt date for each will be displayed in this field. When creating a receipt, this value cannot be set to NEVER.
Related topics
Modify Vendor Information Tool
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