Reports > Re-Synchronize Valid Barcodes Report

Re-Synchronize Valid Barcodes Report

If using barcode validation and an active barcode format with strip character(s) defined for it, then the SirsiDynix Symphony system might contain either modified or unmodified barcodes in the user or item database.

Use the Re-Synchronize Valid Barcodes (Resyncbarcodes) report to list and/or update valid barcodes in the system that contain extra barcode character(s) and/or digit(s) stored in the database record. If the report is run to update the database, then the reported barcodes will be modified in the item or user database to remove the extra character(s) and/or digit(s).

This report is in the Administration report group.

The Re-Synchronize Valid Barcodes contains the following tabs.

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