The Bibliographic group of reports allows you access to your catalog in a report format. The Bibliographic reports accomplish the following tasks.
• | Create subject bibliographies |
• | Count, list and get statistics for bibliographic information |
• | Print spine labels |
• | Make global changes to bibliographic data |
• | Manage discarded items, and identify duplications and errors in the data |
Report List
The following reports are in the Bibliographic group of reports.
Report Name |
Source |
Itemlabels |
Averagepubyr |
Averageprice |
Callnumbers |
Indcheck |
Cvtdiscard |
Boundwithcnt |
Callcnt |
Invcnt |
Titlecnt |
Itemcnt |
Catcnt |
Dispitem |
Dupflexkeys |
Duptitles |
Globaledit |
Exportmarcholdings |
Oclcdeletions |
Prepmarcexp |
Itemcntstat |
Itemstat |
Bibliography |
Calllist |
Dupcallnums |
Entrylist |
Invlist |
List Inventory in XML Format (List Inventory by Item Number Report) |
Invxmllist |
Itemlist |
Catlist |
Movecollection |
Printlabels |
Printlong |
Printspine |
Remreview |
Remdiscard |
Rembylocation |
Updsubfield |
Itemcntreset |
Setdiscard |
Spineid |
Urlchecker |
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