The Offline WorkFlows Renew Reserve wizard can be used to check out a reserve copy after the initial charge, extending the loan period. Since the reserve copy is currently checked out to the user requesting a renewal, the amount of time the copy can be borrowed is simply extended. The Renew Reserve wizard guides you through the process of renewing reserved material.
To renew a reserve item
1 | In the Renew Reserve window, scan the item barcode to enter it into the Item ID field. |
2 | If required, use the Calendar gadget to specify the a different due date in the a Alternate Due Date field. |
3 | In the Reserve Desk list, type or select the Reserve Desk. |
4 | Click OK to complete renewal of the reserve item. A list of renewals will display. To sort items in the List of Renewals in ascending or descending order, click the column heading of the column you want to sort. |
5 | After all items have been renewed, click Cancel to close the Renew Reserve window. |
Related topics
Offline WorkFlows Renew Reserve Wizard Properties
Offline WorkFlows Process Overview
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