Use the Barcode Format wizard to define barcode validation subformats.
From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Barcode Format policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.
The Barcode Format wizard displays the following attributes.
• | Name |
• | Description |
• | Barcode Type |
• | Minimum Length |
• | Maximum Length |
• | Required Characters |
• | Character Set |
• | Preprocessing Type |
• | Checksum Method |
• | Beginning Calculation Offset |
• | Number Characters for Calculation |
• | Check Digit Offset |
• | Remove Characters |
• | Add Characters |
This attribute uniquely identifies the policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.
This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.
This attribute defines the type of barcode, either Item or Patron. Select a barcode type from the list.
This attribute defines the minimum barcode length. Using the Minimum/Maximum gadget, select a number between 1 and 100.
This attribute defines the maximum barcode length. Using the Minimum/Maximum gadget, select a number between 1 and 100.
For each character in a barcode, this attribute defines what the valid character(s) can be for that offset. Offset numbers start at zero (0). Use the Barcode Required Characters gadget to type a list of valid characters, and indicate the offset for these characters.
For each character in a barcode, this attribute defines what the valid type can be. Values are Digit, Letter, Digit/Letter, Special, and Wild. Special is defined as Digits, Letters and these characters: -, ., $, /, +, and %.
Additionally, a space can be used as a special character.
Use the Barcode Character Set gadget to type a list of character sets. Indicate the offset for this character set, and whether the set is all digits, all letters, or a combination of digits and letters. The default value is “Digit.”
This attributes defines the preprocessing handling. Values are NONE, SPECIAL_ASTERISK, or SPECIAL_STRIP_ALPHA. SPECIAL_ASTERISK is implemented to check that the last character of the barcode is *. If so, then the barcode is valid, no check digit processing is required. SPECIAL_STRIP_ALPHA is implemented to remove leading alpha characters from the barcode.
This attribute displays a predefined list of 38 check digit routines. From the list, select a Checksum Method.
This attribute indicates the offset in the barcode where the check digit calculation begins. The Checksum Method must be defined. Offset numbers start at zero (0).Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number.
Number Characters for Calculation
This attribute indicates the number of characters in the barcode used to calculate the check digit character. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number.
This attribute indicates the offset in the barcode where the check digit character is designated. Use the Minimum/Maximum gadget to select a number.
This attribute indicates post validation processing. It defines which character(s) should be removed/stripped from the barcode.
This attribute indicates post validation processing. It defines which character(s) to be added and the offset in the barcode where it should be inserted.
Examples of barcode subformats follow.
• | Barcode subformat 1 is an item type barcode, 13 to 14 characters in length. The first character has to be 0 and the 14th character if present must be an A. All characters are numeric except for the 14th, and that is an alpha. The subformat uses the DRA check digit method for computing the check digit. Computation of the check digit starts at the first character and ends at the 12th. The position of the check digit is the 13th character. If present, the 14th character is removed after validation. |
• | Barcode subformat 111 is an item type barcode that is 13 characters is length. The barcode must start with the characters T00601. All characters are numeric except for the first and that is an alpha. The subformat uses the CEtableI check digit method for computing the check digit. Computation of the check digit starts at the second character and ends at the 12th. The position of the check digit is the 13th character. The first character is removed after validation. |
• | Barcode subformat 151 is an Item type barcode that is 10 characters is length. The barcode must start with an A, the second character must one of these characters: 123456789. The last character is a B. All characters are numeric except for the first and last which are an alpha. The subformat uses the DRA check digit method for computing the check digit. Computation of the check digit starts at the second character and ends at the eighth. The position of the check digit is the ninth character. The first character is removed after validation. If present, the 10th character is removed after validation. |
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