Making a sale, refund, or void transaction
You can sell items that have been designated for sale from the Cash Management wizard. You can also refund money that a user paid from the Cash Management wizard, or void a past transaction.
For more information on designating items for sale, see the SirsiDynix Symphony Cash Management Guide.
Refunds and voids of swiped credit card transactions (payments with a BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Type) are not supported within WorkFlows. If you need to refund or void a payment that has a BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Type, contact an administrator with ProPay login credentials and go to ProPay requires the cardholder name and the last four digits of the card to process the refund or void.
To perform a transaction
Click the Cash Management wizard. |
If you are performing a transaction for an anonymous user, skip to step 3. |
If you want to identify a user with the transaction, do one of the following.
If the User Search Helper is set in properties to display as the first step of the wizard, search for the user. The helper will automatically fill in the User ID box with the ID you select using this helper. |
In the User ID box, scan the user ID. |
Type the user ID in the User ID box, and click Get User Information. |
If the Current button is available, click the button to select the last user record that was displayed, modified, or added. |
Use the User Search helper to search for the user. If a list displays, select the user you want, then click OK. |
Note: If the Require user property is enabled in the wizard behavior properties, you must specify a user to associate with the transaction; transactions with anonymous users will not be accepted.
Click Start New Transaction. |
The Start new transaction dialog displays.
Alternatively, scan an item ID; the transaction defaults to a sale transaction. If you scan an item ID to begin a sale transaction, skip to step 5 to add any additional items to the transaction.
Do one of the following. |
Click New sale to begin a sale transaction. |
Click New void to void a transaction. |
Click New refund to refund money from a transaction. |
Note: If you want to make a no sale transaction, see the Making a no sale transaction help topic.
In the Item ID box, scan the item ID or barcode, or type in the item ID and click Add Item to Transaction or press Enter. |
Note: If you enter in the item ID for an item that does not have a saleable item type, the following error message displays:
Item type is not for sale.
Repeat step 5 for each item the user wants to add to the transaction. |
Do the following, if necessary. |
Click Complete Transaction. The Make Payments dialog appears. |
Type the applicable amount in the Payment Amount field. |
Select a payment type from the Payment Type drop-down list. |
Note: Only payment types specified in the Payment Types Allowed for Cash Management field in the Cash Management Wizard Properties display in this list.
Important: WorkFlows does not permit the use of more than one BLUEcloud Commerce payment type in one transaction. However, more than one payment of the same BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Type is permissible.
Repeat steps 9 to 11 for each payment for this transaction. |
Note: If you click Close before matching the full amount in the Payment Amount field, a confirmation dialog displays and asks if you want to delete the payments you just made. If you click Yes, WorkFlows discards all payments made while the Make Payments dialog was open and returns you to the main Cash Management wizard interface. If you click No, WorkFlows returns you to the Make Payments dialog.
If necessary, select a payment on the transaction and do one of the following. |
To remove a payment from the transaction, click Remove Payment. |
To modify the Payment Amount of a payment on the transaction, type the new amount and click Update Payments. |
Once you are finished entering payments, click Submit Payments. |
Important: WorkFlows can only accept payments amounting to the exact amount owed for refund and void transactions.
Note: WorkFlows cannot accept more than 40 payments for one transaction.
If you are making any payments using BLUEcloud Commerce via a card reader device, a dialog displays containing the subtotal and the following message: |
Waiting for card swipe...
Swipe the card to make the payment. If the card swipe is successful, this dialog disappears and the payment completes.
Note: If you added two or more payments of the same BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Type, the systems pays them all together with one card swipe.
For sale transactions, if the amount paid is greater than the amount owed, a dialog box noting the amount of change owed to the user displays. Make change as appropriate. |
Note: WorkFlows cannot calculate change for BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Types; payments of a BLUEcloud Commerce-enabled Payment Type must either be partial payments less than or equal to the Amount Owed.
After you have completed this transaction, click one of the following options.
Start New Transaction to start another Cash Management transaction. |
Close to exit the wizard. |
Related topics
Cash Management Wizard
Making a no sale transaction
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