Acquisitions > Acquisitions Module Toolkit > Invoice Lines Tab

Invoice Lines Tab

The Invoice Lines tab displays a list of invoice lines for an invoice. Invoice line information fields display in a table format.

The Invoice Lines tab displays the following fields.

Depending on the wizard you are using, the following tools may display.

The following fields are defined for the Invoice Lines tab.


When an invoice line is for a quantity greater than 1, enter the extended amount, not a unit price. When an invoice uses non-native currency, amounts should be entered in non-native currency.

Important: If the Tax Calculated flag is set to Y on the invoice, and you change the amount on an invoice tax or tax rebate line, taxes and tax rebates will no longer be calculated automatically for the invoice, and the following message displays: “This invoice line cannot be edited because system-maintained invoice tax lines related to this line are paid.” Once you manually change a previously-calculated tax or tax rebate amount, the Tax Calculated flag on the invoice is changed to N, and you must manually maintain the invoice tax and tax rebate line information for the invoice.

If the Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ check box is selected and thresholds are set in the Session Settings wizard for Acquisitions, the following message displays if the invoice line amount validation fails. (Invoice line amount validation is not done for Adjusted Link type invoice lines.) “WARNING: The difference between order price and invoice price exceeds the threshold.”


The Coverage extended information field is used to differentiate the coverage dates of a subscription when there are multiple orders for the same title.

Date Paid

On an unpaid funding segment this field is either blank, or contains a default value of NEVER. Otherwise, this field displays the date these funded copies were paid, either through an invoice or directly. In an order, this field only displays only if the Pay or Prepay option is selected. It cannot be modified if this orderline is invoiced.

The Date Paid is entered on an invoice when Pay Invoice is used, and displays the date the invoice and any linked records should be marked as paid. This default is TODAY, but you may change this to any MM/DD/YYYY date or select NEVER from the list, if payment is not ready yet.


Exchange only appears on invoices from vendors using foreign currencies. This field displays the exchange rate used to calculate foreign currency purchases. The default for the Exchange field is TABLE, which references the exchange rate table defined in the currency policies.

Fiscal Cycle

This field identifies a particular funding period. The funding period can be set up in quarters, calendar years, or fiscal years.


When an invoice line is created, the Line field contains the number or name for the first line on the invoice. This is a required field. This can be a number such as 1, a number-letter combination such as 3B, or a word such as SHIPPING or TAX, up to 10 characters. When creating an invoice line, do not put any punctuation at the end of the invoice line number. When an invoice is paid, the Line field allows you to identify an individual line to pay, or you can select ALL from the to pay all lines on the invoice at once. If you clear this field, SirsiDynix Symphony assumes that you are paying Line 1 of the invoice.


The Link field determines how the invoice line is related to other acquisitions records (the kind of link to be made). This field is required. One of these values may be selected: ORDER, ADJUST, FUND, Copy Prorated, Line Prorated, Price Prorated, Rebate/Adjust, Rebate/Fund, Tax/Fund, or Tax/Adjust.

For more information, see Invoice Link Types.

Linked To

If the Link field is ORDER, the purchase order ID and orderline number will display in the Linked To field.

Native Amount

This field only appears on invoices from vendors using foreign currencies. Native Amount displays the amount for the invoice line. If the vendor currency is not the same as the native currency, this field contains the amount in the library’s native currency.

Parts in Set

If the orderline represents a multi-part work, such as a kit or a set, the part or volume names are recorded this field. When you receive the set, the parts that were received are listed together in a holdings statement in the order record, and the unreceived volumes are listed in a different holdings statement. This allows you to keep track of what volumes you did not receive, if any. Parts in Set can also be used when call number records are created using the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard. The special syntax of Parts in Set is used to add analytics to a base call number.

If available, you may use the Parts in Set Gadget to select the proper parts syntax. If the gadget does not display, type parts according to the syntax defined in FAQs: Typing Orderline Parts.


In an invoice line, the Quantity field contains the number of copies invoiced for that particular line.

If the Warn When the Invoice Quantity Exceeds the Received Quantity check box is selected in the Session Settings wizard for Acquisitions, the following message displays if the invoice line quantity validation fails. “WARNING: The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received.”

Tax Paid to Vendor

This field displays when the Invoice Tax features are configured. This field indicates whether taxes are paid to the vendor. Some sites prefer to have the taxes accrue, and pay them directly to the government agency that levies the tax. If this field is selected (or Y), tax will be paid to the vendor. If this field is cleared (or N), the library will pay the taxes directly to the government agency.


Titles related to orderlines may be hyperlinked to more detailed bibliographic, volume, and item information. The information that displays is the same information that prints on the purchase order.


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