WorkFlows Toolkit > Gadgets > Parts in Set Gadget

Parts in Set Gadget

When an order for multiple parts or volumes is placed using acquisitions wizards, the Parts in Set gadget is used to simplify and standardize the entry of volumes and parts into the Parts in Set field.

If the Parts in Set gadget is not available, type volume ranges according to the syntax defined in FAQs: Typing Orderline Parts.

To use this gadget

For example, Parts/Suffix values can be typed in any of the following ways.

1-2 1-3,4A,4B,5-7 1-3 1988 1,3-5

When gadget exits, each of these strings would be entered in the following way, assuming that V. was the Label value selected.

V. 1%2V. 1%3#4A#4B#5%7V. 1%3|s1988V. #1#3%5

The string that is typed in the text box cannot exceed 25 characters. This includes all of the characters, the label value followed by a space, the encoded value of parts, and any suffix subfield value.

For example, Text values may be typed in the following way.


When a gadget exits, this string will be entered in the following way.


The string that is typed in the text box cannot exceed 25 characters. This includes both the subfields and the typed text.


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