Create Invoice Lines for Order Helper
Use the Create Invoice Lines for Order helper to select an existing order and automatically create invoice lines.
To create invoice lines for an order
In the Add Invoice or Add Invoice Lines window, click the Create Invoice Lines for Order helper. |
In the Add Invoice: Invoice Orderline Options window, select from the following three options. |
Automatically Invoice All Orderlines |
Automatically Invoice Orderlines That Are Received–In–Full (default) |
Allow Selection of Orderlines for Invoicing – Selecting this option will result in displaying the Invoicing tree, where the order is displayed in a tree format, and in the view pane you can review the order information before creating invoice lines. |
Select the option to Populate Invoice Line Amount from Order Line when invoicing approval orders, or any ordering scenario where the invoice price is known when you create the order. Clear this property when it is expected that the order price and invoice price will differ. When cleared, the invoice line amounts will default to zero. |
In the Order Search step, search an order for which you want to create invoice lines. You may select an item library when performing a bibliographic search to limit your search results to include only items owned by the selected library. Click Search. |
A list of orders meeting your search criteria appears. Select an order in the list and click Display Order. |
Review information on the order tabs to verify this is the order for which you want to create invoice lines. |
Click Create Invoice Lines, and invoice lines are automatically added to the order invoice. The helper displays a confirmation message with the following information: |
Number of orderlines on the selected order |
Number of invoice lines created |
Number of invoice lines created and linked to orderlines |
Number of invoice lines created but not linked to orderlines |
Note: Whether unreceived and partially received orderlines are invoiced is controlled by a helper property.
Click OK, and return to the Invoice Lines tab. |
Important Considerations When Using this Helper
Invoice lines that are not linked must be linked before they can be paid. Error messages describing why invoice lines cannot be linked are stored in the invoice line extended information fields of the unlinked lines. The extended information entry used for this purpose must be selected in the helper properties. The following conditions can prevent an invoice line from being linked. |
Orderline is underfunded |
Vendor deposit account is overencumbered |
Fund is overencumbered/paid and overencumbrance is blocked |
If Invoice Tax features are configured and you created an invoice with the Tax Calculated flag set to Y, tax and tax rebate invoice line (or multiple lines, if multiple taxes are applied) with the appropriate tax or tax rebate amount will be added as you add an invoice line. If the default tax fund does not exist or is overencumbered, a message displays and the invoice line cannot be added until the default tax fund setting is changed. For more information see FAQs: Applying Invoice Taxes. |
In recurring orders, if a split funding segment in an amount split multifunding segment contains a zero amount, a message such as PO-1521 line 2 2007 MAIN has amount split funding segments with amount 0. Please review funding segments displays. The message contains the order ID, orderline number, fiscal cycle, and acquisitions maintenance library so the user can quickly find the split multifunding segment to correct. |
Related topics
Create Invoice Lines for Order Helper Properties
Invoice Tax Overview
FAQs: Applying Invoice Taxes
FAQs: Working with Invoices
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