Before performing many of SirsiDynix Symphony’s standard reserve functions, parameters must be established for the reserve policies and records that reference these policies. SirsiDynix Symphony references these parameters when performing functions such as placing a copy on reserve or charging a reserve copy to a patron. These parameters are also used by SirsiDynix Symphony reports, either to provide statistical information or to complete a set of tasks.
Once these reserve parameters have been established for your library, only information about specific reserve copies, courses, or instructors will need to be updated.
You must define the following policies to use reserve functions.
Circulation Rule Policy
Special Circulation Rule policies can be created for reserves loans (usually in hours), and alternate circulation rules can be created for reserved items checked out within a certain period before the Reserve Desk closes.
Course Extended Information Policy
Course records may include notes and comments. A Course Extended Information format is delivered with each system configured to use the Academic Reserves module. The format may be modified, if desired.
Course Term Policies
The Course Term policies must be defined for the library’s course terms (semesters or quarters). Course Term policies are linked to course records.
Location Policies
A RESERVES Location policy is delivered with each system configured to use the Academic Reserves module. In a multilibrary system, different reserves locations may be created for each library.
Reserve Desk Policies
The RESERVES Reserve Desk policy is delivered with every system configured to use the Academic Reserves module. If your library has multiple Reserve Desks with different hours of operation, you must create additional Reserve Desk policies. In a multilibrary system, Reserve Desk policies must be created for each library.
Reserve Extended Information Policy
Reserve records may include notes and comments. A Reserve Extended Information format is delivered with each system configured to use the Academic Reserves module. The format may be modified, if desired.
User Profile Policy
A RESERVES User Profile policy is delivered with each system configured to use the Academic Reserves module. The RESERVES user profile gives special privileges to the Reserve Desk user.
You must create the following types of records to use reserve functions.
Course Records
Course records must be created for each course, and assigned a Course Term policy. Use the Create Course wizard to create course records.
Instructor User Records
User records must be created for each instructor who wants to put items on reserve. Use the Register New User wizard to create user records.
Reserve Desk User Records
Each Reserve Desk must have a user record. The RESERVES User Profile policy must be assigned to the user record. In a multilibrary system, Reserve Desk user records should be created for each library. Use the New User Registration wizard to create user records.
Reserve Control Records
Reserve control records must be created for each item put on reserve. Reserve control records are linked to a Reserve Desk policy, instructor user records, and course records. Use the Create Reserve wizard to create reserve control records.
Related topics
Reserve Extended Information Format Wizard
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