WorkFlows Interface > Client System Requirements and Installation, Update, and Uninstall Notes > Updating the WorkFlows Java Client on Windows Systems

Updating the WorkFlows Java Client on Windows Systems

To update the WorkFlows Java client on a Windows system, either connect to an updated server to download the newest update file, or use the Update Staff Client menu option.

If the client was installed by a user with an administrator login, then only the administrator can update the client to future version.

To update the WorkFlows Java client by connecting to an updated server

Note: If you attempt to update a WorkFlows Java client administrator install, and you use a login that does not have sufficient privileges to update the client, you will see a message that a newer version of the client is available, but you will be unable to update the client.

The WorkFlows Java client exits.

Important: For the non-administrator install, it is recommended that you uninstall previous versions of the WorkFlows Java client before the initial installation of the Version 3.3.0 client.

If the WorkFlows Java client is currently installed on the workstation, the WorkFlows Setup program will detect the existence of the WorkFlows Java client. A message will be displayed informing the user of the existing client and will offer the user one or more options. The options offered will vary depending on the privileges of the logged in user and may install into the previously used folder, overwriting the existing client.

Allow the WorkFlows Java client to connect to the SirsiDynix Symphony server and transfer server files to the client.

To update the WorkFlows Java client by using the Update Staff Client menu option

Note: If you are attempting to update an administrator install of the WorkFlows Java client, you must log in as an administrative user.

The fupd_jwf.exe file or the upd_jwf.exe file is downloaded to the workstation, as appropriate.

The WorkFlows Java client exits.

Important: For the non-administrator install, it is recommended that you uninstall previous versions of the WorkFlows Java client before the initial installation of the Version 3.3.0 client.

If the WorkFlows Java client is currently installed on the workstation, the WorkFlows Setup program will detect the existence of the WorkFlows Java client. A message will be displayed informing the user of the existing client and will offer the user one or more options. The options offered will vary depending on the privileges of the logged in user and may install into the previously used folder, overwriting the existing client.

Allow the WorkFlows Java client to connect to the SirsiDynix Symphony server and transfer server files to the client.

After the install

Each time you start the WorkFlows Java client after it is updated, the client checks the stamp file on the SirsiDynix Symphony server to see if a newer version of the client is available. If a newer version is available, you are prompted to download the new client.


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