Print User Helper
The Print User Helper is used to allow for additional printing capabilities in circulation when printing the user record. For more information about printer setup when using this helper, see the following section Print User Helper Printing Setup.
To print a user record
Click the Print User helper. |
Select All to print the full user record, or select from any number of the following options: |
Summary – Prints user information from the Summary tab of the user record. |
Addresses – Prints all user address information. |
Extended Information – Prints all user extended information. |
List of Checkouts – By default, prints all Active checkouts. To change, select from the list |
Active – Prints only active charges for the user. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, and items the user renewed. This option is the default selection. |
All – Prints a complete list of active and inactive charges for the user. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, items the user renewed, and items the user reported as lost or are assumed to be lost. |
Claims Returned – Prints only items that the user claims to have returned. |
Inactive – Prints only inactive charges. Inactive charges include items that are assumed to be lost, and items that have been marked as lost. Lost items remained charged to the user as an inactive charge until the user pays the lost item bill, or until the item is found and returned. |
Overdue – Prints only items that the user has not returned by the assigned due date. |
Recalls – Prints only items that have been recalled from the user. |
Renewals – Prints only items that have been renewed by the user. |
List of Bills – By default, prints all Unpaid bills. To change, select from the list |
Unpaid – Prints only the bills not yet paid by the user. |
Paid – Prints only the bills paid by the user. |
All – Prints both unpaid bills and bills already paid by the user. |
List of Holds – By default, prints all Holds. To change, select from the list |
All – Prints all of the holds that have been placed for the user. |
Available – Prints only the items on hold for the user that are available. |
Recalled – Prints only the items on hold for the user that have been recalled. |
Reserve – Prints only the items on hold for the user that have been put on reserve. |
Active – Prints all active holds. |
Inactive – Prints the inactive holds for the user or item along with the inactive hold reason. Reasons can be holds that are cancelled, expired, or a hold that was cancelled when item was placed on reserve, hold was filled, or hold expired on hold shelf. |
List of Suspensions – Prints all Active suspensions for the user. |
List of Bookings – If you are using the Materials Booking module, you can print all bookings for the user. |
Print User Helper Printing Setup
You can setup printing for the Print User Helper under the File/Print Setup menu. If a printer is not specified in the Print Setup menu, you will be prompted to select a printer when printing from the helper. The selected printed has to have a Microsoft Windows driver installed. Because of the amount of information printed and formatted by this helper, it is recommended that you print to a desktop printer on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.
You may find that you can print to a receipt printer from the Print User helper, as long as your receipt printer supports and uses a Microsoft Windows driver; however, the printing may be slower, and the print output may not format correctly because of the smaller paper size.
Related topics
Print User Helper Properties
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