The Holds tab lists holds associated with a specific user or item. Select a hold in the tab to retain item or user information for use in other wizards. Display Options allow you to customize the hold information display. Using Display Options, you can display all holds, available holds, active holds, inactive holds, recalled holds, or reserve holds.
If you select a record or group of records and right-click, a circulation menu opens. From this menu, you can perform a variety of circulation tasks. See Right-click Menus.
User Holds
When displaying a user’s holds, the Holds tab contains the following information:
• | Total Holds |
• | Title |
• | Item ID |
• | Hold Level |
• | Hold Status |
• | Placed |
• | Pickup At |
• | Pickup By |
• | Date Hold Expires (Expires) |
If the Display suspension dates behavior property is selected in the Display User wizard, the following information will also display:
• | Suspended hold status |
• | Unsuspended hold status |
Item Holds
When displaying holds associated with a specific item, the Holds tab displays the following information:
• | Holds |
• | User ID |
• | Name |
• | Hold Level |
• | Hold Status |
• | Placed |
• | Pickup At |
• | Pickup By |
• | Date Hold Expires (Expires) |
• | Inactive Reason |
If the Display suspension dates behavior property is selected in the Display User wizard, the following information will also display:
• | Suspended hold status |
• | Unsuspended hold status |
The following fields are defined for the Holds tab.
This field displays total number of holds placed for this patron.
This field contains an item’s main title, using initial capitalization. This field is cataloged using the 245 tag.
This field, sometimes referred to as ”barcode,” uniquely identifies an item. The Item ID is typically the human readable number on the item’s barcode. The item ID can be up to 16 characters in length.
Every hold has a level to indicate the extent of the hold. .
In Demand Management, holds are either Title level holds or Copy level holds. If the library is part of a multilibrary system, these holds are applied across a range of item records to further indicate the extent of the hold. Information about each hold and its hold level are stored in the hold record.
• | Title Level Hold |
• | Copy Level Hold |
Hold status (whether the user has any items ready to be picked up)
The date the hold was placed by the patron.
The user must pick up the item from the Holds shelf by this date. After this date, the item will be removed from the Holds shelf and reshelved, put in transit back to its owning library or to fill another hold, or the next hold on the item will be made available (and the item will stay on the Holds shelf for a different user). When the Pickup By date passes, the Expire Available Holds (Expshlfholds) report and the Clean Holds Shelf (Cleanholdshelf) report must be run to make the next action for the item happen.
The library at which the hold can be picked up.
This field contains the date the hold will expire or will no longer be filled and the last date the user is interested in receiving the item placed on hold.
This field displays the date a hold status was suspended on a particular item.
This field displays the date a hold status was unsuspended on a particular item.
This field displays the total number of holds placed on this item.
A unique number used to identify a patron; also called the ”barcode.” When creating the user ID, you may either assign the user ID, or you may allow SirsiDynix Symphony to automatically generate one. The user ID can be up to 20 characters in length.
Typically, libraries use random numbers associated with barcodes for unique user identification. Other alphanumeric characters, such as a driver’s license number, may also be entered according to the unique numbering or naming scheme established by the library.
You may be able to enter a user ID using the User Search helper or a User Search gadget.
This field displays user’s name. The display of the user’s name is configurable. By default, the Name field displays Last Name Suffx, First Name Middle Title.
If the user’s Preferred Name is selected to display instead the the user’s first name, then the Name field displays Last Name, Suffix, Preferred Name Middle Title.
When Inactive is selected as the Type of Hold, the Inactive Reason column will display instead of Suspend and Unsuspend dates. The inactive hold reasons are Cancelled (hold was cancelled or removed), Expired (hold expired), Hold was cancelled when item was placed on reserve, Hold was filled, and Hold expired on holds shelf.
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