Utilities > MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility Wizard
MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility Wizard
The MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility wizard in the K-12 system is used to export files of bibliographic records created in the local catalog for correction and maintenance by MARC Magician.
The Marc Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility Wizard is designed to work in conjunction with the Marc Magician product from MITINET/marc Software (Information Transform, Inc.). MARC records exported using this wizard are immediately transferred from the local catalog to an import directory in the Marc Magician product, and are then ready for access using the Marc Magician product.
When returning or loading MARC records from Marc Magician to the local catalog, use the MARC Magician EZ Transfer In Utility Wizard.
To export MARC records
Click the MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility wizard. When the wizard starts, the record selection window appears. |
Select records to export based on one or a combination of the following Copy Selection options. Use the Select Item List Gadget to select individual Item IDs. |
Library – All items in the export are held by the specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included. |
Shelf Location – All items in the export are cataloged to be in this location. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations. If no value is selected, all locations are included. |
Current Status – All items in the export are currently in, or checked out to this status. The current status is typically the same as the shelf location, unless the item is CHECKEDOUT, or checked out to a special status user with a location such as LOST or MISSING. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations. If no value is selected, all locations are included. |
Note: Items that are an INTRANSIT location type are not checked out to a special transit user, so they cannot be part of a checkout selection. If you want to select an item which is in transit, you must specify INTRANSIT, or your library’s transit type of location, here at the copy level selection for current status.
Item Group – All items in the export are of this item group. Select an item group from the list. If no value is selected, all item groups are included. |
Material Type – All items in the export have been designated to be of this category. Use the Policy List gadget to select a material type or types. If no value is selected, all Material Type policy names are included. |
Funding Source – All items in the export have been designated to be of this category. Select a funding source from the list. If no value is selected, all Funding Source policy names are included. |
Item Extended Information – Item extended information, such as comments and notes, can be added to item records. If tagged as public notes, they will display to the public in the single item view in the e-Library. If tagged as staff notes, they will only display in WorkFlows to library staff. In a future version of SirsiDynix Symphony, notes tagged as circulation notes will display to library staff when an item is charged or discharged. Copies selected by the export will contain the text in the entries specified using the Entry List gadget. |
In the Shadow Catalog – If Yes, the items in the report will include only those items that are “shadowed,” or coded by library staff to not display publicly to student users. If no, the shadowed items will be excluded from the report results. By default, both shadowed and non-shadowed materials are selected by the report. However, both does not display as the default selection. Its function is merely to allow the restoration of the initially empty value. |
Date Created – All items in the report were imported or created on this specified date. If no date is entered, all records are included. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. |
Price – All items in the report have this price listed in the item record. This amount is not necessarily the actual price paid. Usually, this amount is the price reported by the publisher along with the ISBN when the title was cataloged, if the record came from a bibliographic utility such as OCLC, or the default item price if the record was not imported or updated to reflect the actual price. To select a range of prices, use the Amount Range gadget. |
Select records to export based on one or a combination of the following Call Number Selection options. |
Library – All call numbers in the report are held by the specified library or libraries. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If no value is selected, all libraries are included. |
Single or Call Number Range – All call numbers in the report fall within the specified call number range. Use the gadget to select your call number range. |
Shadowed – If Yes, all call numbers selected by the report are in the shadow catalog, which is searchable by staff only. If No, none of the call numbers selected by the report will be in the shadow catalog. By default, both shadowed and non-shadowed materials are selected by the report. However, both does not display as the default selection. Its function is merely to allow the restoration of the initially empty value. |
Select records to export based on one or a combination of the following Title Selection options. |
Format – All catalog records in the report are this record format, such as SERIAL, MARC, etc. Use the Policy List gadget to select formats. If no value is selected, all formats are included. |
Date Created – All catalog records in the report were created or loaded into the catalog on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. This date does not correspond to the date in the fixed field that indicates when the record was created in the bibliographic utility. |
Created By – All catalog records in the report were entered into the system by the specified user access. Use the String List gadget to enter a list of user accesses. |
Date Cataloged – All bibliographic records were cataloged on this specified date. The Date Cataloged field in the catalog record defaults to NEVER for newly created titles, and can be changed manually or when more complete cataloging is loaded. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. |
Date Modified – All bibliographic records were modified on this specified date. A modification includes any Edit or Create Item command at the catalog, call number, or copy level. A match and load bibliographic record or any record value modification report that affects the item will also update the Date Modified. Creating an associated record, such as a checkout or bill, will not change the Date Modified. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. |
Modified By – All catalog records in the export were modified by the specified user accesses. |
Publication Year – All titles in the export have the specified publication year. The publication year is from the DATE1 element of the fixed field 008, if present. If the program does not find a publication date there, it checks the 264|c field (if the second indicator is set to 1) and then the 260|c field. If no date is found, then each tag in the record with a data entry type of publication date is checked. The first non-empty tag with an entry type of publication date will be used for the publication date. If all tags with an entry type of publication date are empty, then the publication date field of the item will be empty. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget. |
Shadowed – If Yes, all titles selected by the export are in the shadow catalog, which is searchable by staff only. If No, none of the titles selected by the export will be in the shadow catalog. Both does not display as the default selection. Its function is merely to allow the restoration of the initially empty value. |
Click EZTransfer. The Marc Magician Wizard launches and the exported records are ready to edit in Marc Magician. |
Related topics
MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility Wizard Properties
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