Utilities > FAQs for the Utilities Module > FAQs: Exporting Bibliographic Records with the MARC Export Utility Wizard

FAQs: Exporting Bibliographic Records with the MARC Export Utility Wizard

How do I prepare bibliographic records for export?

Before you export MARC records to a file on your workstation or the SirsiDynix Symphony server, you must select the records to be exported. To do this, run the Extract Keys for MARC Export report from the Bibliographic report group.

Records must be selected before being output. Records may be selected either by their common characteristics, such as title creation date, format, and item type, or by typing a list of item IDs.

The keys to the selected records are written to the dumpkeys file in the Unicorn/Xfer directory. The records associated with these keys can later be exported using the MARC Export Utility wizard.

MARC 21 records and non-MARC 21 format records must be selected and exported separately. MARC 21 records (formats like MARC, SERIAL, MAP, MUSIC, and so forth), may be exported in either blocked or spanned MARC (machine-readable) format or flat ASCII (human-readable text) format. Non-MARC 21 records (STINFO, TECHRPT, and so forth) must be exported in flat ASCII format.

How do I preview bibliographic records before exporting them to a file?

You can preview bibliographic records before exporting them to a file. Do the following to preview the records.

How do I change an incorrect date in the Records Selected On field?

If the Records Selected On date is incorrect, run the Extract Keys for MARC Export report to change the date.

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