Reports > Activity Tab

Activity Tab

The Activity tab contains fields that are used to select SirsiDynix Symphony activity for a report. This tab may contain any of the following fields.

Breakdown Command Usage By

The Breakdown Command Usage By option is available only when Activity By Workstation is selected for the Command Usage Total option. The Breakdown Command Usage By option governs the percentage value displayed next to the command counts for each workstation. Select one of the following for this option.

Workstation causes the percentage to reflect command usage relative to other workstations; the specified number of commands per workstation comprises this percent of the total number of that particular command system wide. These percentage columns, when all commands are selected, total the percentage of commands made from the specified workstation system wide. Only the ALL column totals to approximately 100%.
Command causes the percentage to reflect command usage relative to other commands at the workstation; the specified number of commands per workstation comprises this percent of the total number of commands made from that particular workstation. These percentage columns, when all commands are selected, total to approximately 100% per workstation.

Command Usage Total

The Command Usage Total option

The Command Usage Total option determines how the totals for command usage will appear in the report output. Select one of the following for this option.

Activity by Workstation displays more detailed report output that lists command activity with additional workstation information. You must select this option to make the Breakdown Command Usage By options available to further break down the command usage.
Total Counts Only displays a simple list of commands and the corresponding activity total. Percentage values represent the percent of total system commands belonging to the particular command.

Activity Report Samples

Example Sample Workstation Activity Totals

Transfer Routing (Os) 0 0%
Pay Invoice (PE) 18 1%
Pay User (PY) 4 0%
Renew Item (RV) 1 0%
Renew Reserve (RX) 0 0%
Renew User (RY) 0 0%
Search Item (SA) 0 0%
Search Order Part A ( 0 0%
Search Link (SL) 0 0%
Search Order Part B ( 0 0%
Search Source (SS) 0 0%
Search Gateway (Si) 0 0%
Search Cross Reference 0 0%
Search Interest (Sy) 0 0%
Receive Order (UR) 0 0%
Receive Item (UV) 188 6%
Receive Reserve (UX) 0 0%
Use Load Marc--SmartPO 0 0%
Use Item (WV) 0 0%
Use Gateway (Wi) 87 3%
Browse Item (YA) 0 0%
Browse Link (YL) 0 0%
Browse Authority (Yl) 0 0%
*ERROR* (ZA) 0 0%
Invalid Login (ZB) 0 0%
Print Report (ZC) 0 0%
Search and Save Catalo 0 0%
Send Search Results (Z 0 0%
Open Text File (ZS) 0 0%
Read Line of Text File 0 0%
Close Text file (ZU) 0 0%
Rewind Text File (ZV) 0 0%
Test End of Text File 0 0%
Run Script (ZX) 0 0%
Change Environ Variabl 0 0%
Get cgi Name for Gobac 0 0%
Get Response for Gobac 0 0%
Get cgi Name for New S 0 0%
Get Response for New S 0 0%
Set Session Info (Ze) 0 0%
Retrieve Session Info 0 0%
Duplicate Top of Gobac 0 0%
Is Session Available 0 0%
Get List of Hits Marke 0 0%
Set List of Hits Marke 0 0%
Used in mserver for Up 0 0%
Halt Session (Zl) 0 0%
Set (Zm) 0 0%
Lookup Label(s) (Zn) 0 0%
Lookup Message (Zo) 0 0%
Native Link (aL) 0 0%
Sort Set (bd) 0 0%
Translate Set (cd) 0 0%
Load Marc (dO) 0 0%
Download zform File an 0 0%
Lookup Reserve A (eB) 0 0%
Lookup Reserve B (eX) 0 0%
Find Item (fA) 0 0%
OTHER 914 30%
TOTAL 3006 100%

Example Sample Workstation Activity Totals Broken Down by Command.

Download zform File an 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Lookup Reserve A (eB) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Lookup Reserve B (eX) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Find Item (fA) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
OTHER 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
TOTAL 169 100% 3 100% 17 100% 15 100%

Example Sample Workstation Activity Totals Broken Down by Workstation

Download zform File an 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Lookup Reserve A (eB) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Lookup Reserve B (eX) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Find Item (fA) 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
OTHER 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
+TOTAL 169 100% 3 2% 17 10% 15 9%


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