FAQs: Displaying Booking Information
How do I display user bookings for a user who lost his or her library card?
In the Display User Bookings wizard, use the User Lost Card helper to assign a new barcode to the user.
Click the Display User Bookings wizard. |
In the User Search window, click the User Lost Card helper. |
In the Identify User with Lost Card window, select the search option you want, and type the search text in the text box. To restrict the search to a specific library, or library group, select the library name, or group name, in the Library list. If the Current search option appears, the user recently viewed appears under the option. Click Current to select this user record. |
Click OK to search for the user. If a list of matching user records appears, select the user name you want, and click Assign New Card.
In the Assign New ID window, scan or type the new barcode or user ID in the New User Card box, and click OK. |
In the Complete dialog box, click Display Bookings for This User. |
How do I display bookings if a “No item bookings exist for the specified time period” message appears?
This message can display when you use the Display Item Bookings wizard. The message appears if the item has not been booked, or if the specified time display period is not long enough to show the desired booking. Do the following to display the bookings:
Confirm the items have been booked. |
Click the Display Item Bookings wizard. In the Item Search window, search for the item for which you want to show bookings. |
Under Calendar Options in the Assign Display Time Period window, increase the number in the Number of Months box to expand the viewing period. |
Click OK to display the item bookings. |
Note: Bookings that have been charged and discharged, or were removed with the Remove Bookings report, will not display on the calendar.
How do I display bookings if a “Booking does not exist” message appears?
In the Display Item Bookings or Display User Bookings wizard, check the following information.
The user identification was typed correctly. |
The correct user was selected. |
The item identification was typed correctly. |
The correct item was selected. |
The items have been booked. |
Bookings that have been charged and discharged, or were removed with the Remove Bookings report, will not display on the calendar.
Related topics
Display Item Bookings Wizard
Calendar Tab
FAQs: Displaying Booking Information
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