Configuration and Policies > FAQs for System Configuration > FAQs: Creating Circulation Maps

FAQs: Creating Circulation Maps

How do I make certain item types non-holdable?

The primary way to make a non-circulating item type, such as REFERENCE, non-holdable is by adding a line referencing that item type in your circulation map. Since the item cannot circulate, holds cannot be placed on the item.

For example, the following is a sample line in a Circulation Map for the REFERENCE Item Type.

Library: ALL

User Profile: ALL


Circ Rule: NONCIRC-Y

The primary way to make a circulating item type, such as VIDEO, non-holdable is by adding a line referencing that item type in your hold map.

For example, the following is a sample line in a Hold Map for the VIDEO Item Type.

Item Library: MADISON

User Profile: ALL

Item Type: VIDEO

Permission: NO_HOLDS

Priority: NONE

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