FAQs: Selecting Values for the Hold Available Item Libraries Attribute
What are Hold Available Item Libraries?
In Demand Management, the Hold Available Item Libraries attribute controls which libraries’ users may place holds on this library’s available items (items already available on the shelf).
In the previous implementation of the Hold Available Item Libraries feature, the only library that was checked when a hold was created was the station user’s library. With Unicorn Version GL3.1, this check has been extended to include items that qualify to fill the hold that belong to other libraries in the station library’s hold libraries group and/or libraries within the entire system, depending on the range of the hold. For example, if a title level/group range hold is submitted, SirsiDynix Symphony will check all items that qualify to fill the hold for availability and belong to libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute for the station user’s Library policy. By extending the check to libraries within the hold group or within the system, the library can prevent holds being placed for items on shelf that would not be pulled by library staff to fill the hold. SirsiDynix Symphony takes into account the Available attribute in the Location policy when determining if an item is available when a hold is submitted.
Keep in mind the following when selecting values for the Hold Available Item Libraries attribute.
The Hold Available Item Libraries attribute controls whether a station library user or a library user in the station library’s hold libraries group can place holds on available items owned by the station library. This is controlled by the Check for Available Items at Hold Libraries Group configuration setting. |
This attribute also controls under what circumstances available items appear on the List Onshelf Items with Holds report. |
ALL_LIBS means all libraries. The station user associated with this library can place a hold when there are available copies in the station library. Available copies owned by this library can appear on the List Onshelf Items with Holds report as candidates to satisfy holds placed in any library. |
Selecting NONE will display a blank in this attribute. ALL_LIBS is the default value. |
It is also valid to list some, but not necessarily all libraries, as Hold Available Item Libraries. |
In order for a station library’s users to be able to place holds on available items, the station library must include its own name in the Hold Available Item Libraries list. Single library systems must also include their own library name in this attribute list in order for their users to be able to place holds on available items. Additionally, the station library’s users must be included in the Hold Permissions attribute of the item library. |
In order for the hold libraries group users to be able to place holds on available items, the libraries must be included in the Hold Permissions attribute of the item library. |
What are the configuration options for satisfying available holds?
With Unicorn Version GL3.1, there are two new system configuration options for satisfying holds on available items.
Configuration Option One allows you to control how far the system checks for available items. The options for this setting are as follows. |
Check for available items at station library only (default setting) |
Check for available items at hold libraries group |
Configuration Option Two allows you to configure the system to check for available items at the pickup library. The options for this setting are as follows. |
Check for available items at pickup library for holds placed from the e–Library only |
Check for available items at pickup library for all holds |
To change how these options are configured, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.
Configuration Option One : Check for Available Items at Hold Libraries Group
When Check for Available Items at Hold Libraries Group is configured, SirsiDynix Symphony checks the Hold Available Items attribute of the library for each item that qualifies to fill the hold. A hold would be denied when the first “available” copy is found that would qualify to fill the hold. If there are any available copies belonging to any library within the range of the hold that does not permit holds on available items from the station library trying to place the hold, the hold would be denied.
SirsiDynix Symphony considers the range of the hold when checking this attribute.
Library Range Holds – For library range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks only the availability of holdable copies within the item library. (The library of the item selected when the hold is submitted.) |
If any copy that qualifies to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
Group Range Holds – For group range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks the availability of holdable copies belonging to libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy. |
If any copy that qualifies to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
System Range Holds – For system range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks the availability of all holdable copies that could fill the hold. |
If any copy that qualified to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
Configuration Option Two : Check for Available Items at Pickup Library
If Check for Available Items at Pickup Library is configured, SirsiDynix Symphony determines where the hold is being placed, either from the e–Library or WorkFlows client, and determines if this configuration is set for each client.
If the configuration is set for only e–Library, SirsiDynix Symphony first verifies that the hold is from the e–Library. If it is, the system would do the following. |
Check the pickup library of the hold and verify if available holds can be placed on items at pickup library. If not and there is an available item at the pickup library the hold is denied. |
If there is not an available item at pickup library, the system will check for available items that belong to station library and either deny or allow the hold depending on policy settings. |
If the configuration is set for both WorkFlows and the e–Library, the system would do the following. |
Check the pickup library of the hold and verify if available holds can be placed on items at pickup library. If not and there is an available item at the pickup library the hold is denied. |
If there is not an available item at pickup library the system will check for available items that belong to station library and either deny or allow the hold depending on policy settings. |
Both Configuration Options Configured: Check for Available Items at Pickup Library and Check for Available Items at Hold Libraries Group
When both hold available item options are configured, SirsiDynix Symphony behaves as follows.
If the configuration is set for the e–Library only, SirsiDynix Symphony would first verify the hold is from the e–Library. If the hold is from the e–Library, the system would do the following. |
Check the pickup library of the hold and verify if available holds can be placed on items at pickup library. If holds on available items are not allowed, and there is an available item at the pickup library, the hold is denied. |
If there is not an available item at the pickup library or the hold is not from the e–Library, the system will continue checking as described in the following section. |
If the configuration is set for both WorkFlows and the e–Library, the system would do the following. |
Check the pickup library of the hold and verify if available holds can be placed on items at the pickup library. |
If not, and there is an available item at the pickup library, the hold is denied. If there is not an available item at the pickup library, the system will continue checking as described in the following section. |
SirsiDynix Symphony checks the Hold Available Item Libraries attribute for each item library that qualifies to fill the hold. A hold would be denied when the first available copy is found that would qualify to fill the hold. If there are any available copies belonging to any library within the range of the hold, and the library does not permit holds on available items from the station library trying to place the hold, the hold would be denied.
SirsiDynix Symphony considers the range of the hold when checking this attribute.
Library Range Holds – For library range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks only the availability of holdable copies within the item library. (The library of the item selected when the hold is submitted.) |
If any copy that qualifies to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
Group Range Holds – For group range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks the availability of holdable copies belonging to libraries referenced in the hold group libraries list of the station user’s Library policy. |
If any copy that qualifies to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
System Range Holds – For system range holds, the system does the following. |
Checks the availability of all holdable copies that could fill the hold. |
If any copy that qualified to fill the hold was found to be available, the hold would be denied if the item library’s hold available item libraries list does not include the library of the station user. |
What are some Hold Available Item Libraries examples?
Example One: Both Configuration Options Are Set
Both the configuration option to allow the system to check hold libraries groups and configuration option to check for available items at pickup library are set (for both the e–Library and WorkFlows).
There are 4 libraries in a system. The hold permission and hold groups are set as follows.
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 1. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 2. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 3 and 4. |
Hold available item libraries is set to NONE. |
In the following scenarios, the term “available copies” refers to copies that belong to a Location policy that is considered available for Demand Management.
Scenario One
A title level/library range hold is placed from Library 1. There are available copies at each library. The item selected for the hold belongs to Library 1. The hold pickup library is Library 2. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 2. |
The hold would be denied because Library 2 does not allow users from Library 1 to place holds on available items. |
Scenario Two
A title level/group range hold is placed from Library 1. There are available copies at each library. The hold pickup library is Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. Library 1 allows holds on available items from users logged in at Library 1. |
The system would then check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for items that qualify to the fill the hold that belong to the libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy (since a group range hold casts a hold for items that belong to libraries listed in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station users Library policy). In this example, it would be Library 1 and 2, since both libraries are included in the hold group libraries for Library 1. |
The hold would be denied because of the available copy at Library 2. Station users from Library 1 do not have privilege to place holds on available items at Library 2. |
Scenario Three
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 3 for a title with available copies at each library in the system. The hold is for pickup at Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. Library 3 does not allow users from Library 1 to place holds on available items. The hold is denied. |
Scenario Four
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 2 for a title with available copies at Library 3 and 4 and unavailable copies at Library 1 and 2. The pickup library is Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 2 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. Library 1 does not allow users from Library 2 to place holds on available items, however there are no available items at Library 1. |
The system would then check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all items that qualify to fill the hold based on policies. Then, the system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all four libraries. |
The hold would be denied because there are available copies at Library 3 and 4. Neither library allows Library 2 to submit holds for an available item. |
Example Two: Hold Group Libraries Configuration Is Set
There are 4 libraries in a system. The hold permission and hold groups are set as follows.
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 1. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 2. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 3 and 4. |
Hold available item libraries is set to NONE. |
In the following scenarios, the term “available copies” refers to copies that belong to a Location policy that is considered available for Demand Management.
Scenario One
A library range/title level hold is placed at Library 1 for a title with available copies at each library. The item selected for the hold belongs to Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the item’s Library policy for Library 1 to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. |
The hold would be allowed because Library 1 is in the hold available item libraries list. |
Scenario Two
A group range/title level hold is placed at Library 1 for a title with available copies at each library in the system. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for items that qualify to the fill the hold that belong to the libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy (since a group range hold casts a hold for items that belong to libraries listed in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy). In this example, it would be Library 1 and 2, since both libraries are included in the hold group for Library 1. |
The hold would be denied because of the available copy at Library 2. Station users from Library 1 do not have privilege to place holds on available items at Library 2. |
Scenario Three
A group range/title level hold is placed at Library 3 for a title with available copies at each library in the system. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for items that qualify to the fill the hold that belong to libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy (since a group range hold casts a hold for items that belong to libraries listed in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy). In this example it would be Libraries 3 and 4. |
The hold would be denied because of available copies at Library 3 and 4. The hold available item libraries setting for each library is set to NONE, which means no libraries can place holds on available items. |
Scenario Four
A group range/title level hold is placed at Library 2 for a title with copies at all libraries and available copies at Library 3 and 4. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for items that qualify to the fill the hold that belong to libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy (since a group range hold casts a hold for items that belong to libraries listed in the Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station user’s Library policy). SirsiDynix Symphony checks the hold available item libraries setting in Library 1 and 2. |
The hold would not be denied because there are no available copies at Library 1 and 2. The available copies at Library 3 and 4 would not cause the hold to be denied because Library 3 and 4 are not part of the hold group for Library 2, and would not be pulled to fill the hold. |
Scenario Five
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 1 for a title with available copies at each library. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all items that qualify to fill the hold based on policies. The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for Library 1, Library 2, Library 3, and Library 4. |
The hold would be denied because of available copies at Library 2, Library 3, and Library 4. Station users from Library 1 do not have privilege to place holds on available items at Library 2, Library 3, or Library 4. |
Scenario Six
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 3 for a title with available copies at each library. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all items that qualify to fill the hold based on policies. The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all four libraries (Library 1, Library 2, Library 3, and Library 4). |
The hold would be denied because of available copies at Library 1, Library 2, Library 3, and Library 4. |
Scenario Seven
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 2 for a title with available copies at Library 3 and 4 and unavailable copies at Library 1 and 2. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all items that qualify to fill the hold based on policies. The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for all four libraries. |
The hold would be denied because there are available copies at Library 3 and 4. Neither library allows Library 2 to submit holds for an available item. |
Example Three: Pickup Library Configuration is Set (e–Library Only)
There are 4 libraries in a system. The hold permission and hold groups are set as follows.
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 1. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 1 and 2. |
Hold available item libraries is set to Library 2. |
Hold permission is set to ALL. |
Hold group includes Libraries 3 and 4. |
Hold available item libraries is set to NONE. |
In the following scenarios, the term “available copies” refers to copies that belong to a Location policy that is considered available for Demand Management.
Scenario One
A title level/library range hold is placed from the e–Library. The user is logged in at Library 1. There are available copies at each library. The item selected for the hold belongs to Library 1, and the hold pickup library is Library 2. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 2. |
The hold would be denied because Library 2 does not allow users from Library 1 to place holds on available items. |
Scenario Two
A title level/group range hold is placed from the e–Library. A user is logged in at Library 1. There are available copies at each library. The hold pickup library is Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. Library 1 allows holds on available items from users logged at Library 1, so the hold would be allowed. |
Scenario Three
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 3 for a title with available copies at each library in the system. The hold is for pickup at Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 1 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 3. Library 3 does not allow users from Library 1 to place holds on available items, so the hold is denied. |
Scenario Four
A system range/title level hold is placed at Library 2 for a title with available copies at Library 3 and 4, and unavailable copies at Library 1 and 2. The pickup library is Library 1. |
The system would check the hold available item libraries setting in the Library policy for the pickup library to determine if station users logged in at Library 2 can place holds on available items that belong to Library 1. Library 1 does not allow users from Library 2 to place holds on available items; however, there are no available items at Library 1, so the hold is allowed. |
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Library Wizard
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