Circulation > Renew Privilege Wizard

Renew Privilege Wizard

The Renew Privilege wizard is used to renew or extend a user’s library privileges.

To renew a user’s library privileges

Note: The expiration date can be set to NEVER, which means the privilege will not expire. You cannot set an expiration date to a date earlier than today, and you cannot set the privilege to span several individual time segments.

If the user is associated with a User Profile policy that is configured to assess a Privilege Fee, a dialog displays containing bill information for all users that received a bill that was not paid automatically. If any of these bills are paid automatically, a dialog displays containing bill payment information for all users that received a bill and had it paid automatically. WorkFlows then displays a dialog that lists the modified user group members and their respective privilege statuses.

If the user is associated with a User Profile policy that is not configured to assess a Privilege Fee, only the dialog listing user group members and their privilege statuses displays.

After extending user privilege, click one of the following options. The options will depend upon the selections you made in the Set Properties window.

Make More Changes to modify the existing user
Renew Another User’s Privilege to renew another user’s privileges
Close to exit the wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

It may be possible to find a user by a previous user ID, if configured in policies. Go to the FAQs: Searching User Records topic.
If the user is blocked, an alert window will appear. If your library uses the User Groups feature, and this user’s responsibility level is LINKED, then this user will inherit the delinquency status of the worst-case user in the group. If a user in the same group is delinquent, blocked, or barred, an alert window will appear.
If the user has a credit account and policies are configured to automatically pay privilege fees with money from the credit account, fees created when renewing a user’s privilege may be paid automatically with funds from the user’s credit account. For more information, see FAQs: Credit User Accounts.

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