Place Blanket Hold Wizard
The Place Blanket Hold wizard is used to place blanket holds on library materials. A blanket hold is a single hold placed on multiple titles or items, and requires a specified number of items be available before the hold is considered filled. Blanket holds are supported only on SirsiDynix Symphony systems configured to use blanket holds.
The Place Blanket Hold wizard allows you to select up to 50 items and/or titles for a blanket hold. You must specify a blanket hold expiration date and how many copies must be made available for the blanket hold to be considered filled. Once you create the blanket hold, SirsiDynix Symphony makes the copies available for the blanket hold according to the Demand Management rules of availability for each title or items. You can distribute available copies immediately to patrons instead of waiting until all of the requested copies are available to fill the blanket hold.
To place a blanket hold
In the Holds group, click the Place Blanket Hold wizard. |
Do one of the following: |
In the User ID box, scan the user ID. |
Type the user ID in the User ID box, and click Get User Information. |
If the Current button (Current Search) is available, click the button to select the last user record that was displayed, modified, or added. |
The Place Blanket Hold window displays.
Complete the following information: |
Leave the value of NEW in the Blanket Hold ID box. |
When you create a new blanket hold, the value must be NEW. You cannot assign your own blanket IDs.
In the Copies Needed box, type the number of items (1 to 50) that must be available for the blanket hold to be considered filled. |
In the Pickup At list, select the pickup library. |
If this field is left blank, the default library is the workstation library of the login used to place the hold, or the user’s library, depending on wizard property settings. |
In the Expires box, use the Calendar gadget to select an expiration date for the blanket hold. This field is required. |
The blanket hold expiration date is used as the default expiration date of the individual holds that are part of the blanket hold. (You may specify different expiration dates for the blanket hold and the individual holds.)
Under Level/Range, select a Level and Range option. |
Note: If your library is a single library system, the Range options do not display, and range is automatically set to Library.
Under Recall Status, select a recall type. |
After you have entered this information, click OK to continue.
In the Item ID box, scan the item barcode and click Add to List. |
Each item for the blanket hold displays under List of Holds.
In the Date Suspended box, use the Calendar gadget to select a beginning date of the blanket hold’s suspension. |
When a hold is suspended, the suspension period begins at 00:01 on the beginning suspension date.
In the Date Unsuspended box, use the Calendar gadget to select the ending date of the blanket hold’s suspension. |
When a hold is unsuspended, the suspension period ends at 00:01 on the ending suspension date.
If the Reserve Hold check box displays, specify whether the hold should be placed against a Reserve Desk item. |
Under Hold Information, you can edit the pickup library or add any comments in the Comments box. |
Click Place Blanket Hold. |
If the blanket hold is successfully placed, click one of the following options.
Place a Hold for Another User to place a hold for another user. |
Review Holds to review the holds you just placed. |
Place Another Hold for this user to place another hold for this user. |
Close to exit the wizard. |
If the user is blocked, an alert window will display. If your site uses the User Groups feature and this user’s responsibility level is LINKED, then this user will inherit the delinquency status of the worst-case user in the group. If a user in the same group is delinquent, blocked, or barred an alert window will appear.
It may be possible to find a user by a previous user ID, if configured in policies. Go to the FAQs: Searching User Records topic.
If you place a Title level blanket hold on one or more titles, SirsiDynix Symphony selects the first available item of each title to fill the blanket hold. If you want more than one item of a title to fill the blanket hold, place a copy level hold on each item you want.
Related topics
Place Blanket Hold Wizard Properties
FAQs: Placing Blanket Holds
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