Circulation > Modify Item Holds Wizard

Modify Item Holds Wizard

The Modify Item Holds wizard is used to modify one or more holds on an item.

To modify holds on an item

In the List of Holds list, the user for whom each hold was placed, the item’s recall status, pickup location, date by which the hold must be picked up, expiration date, hold status, comments, record status, beginning and ending dates of the hold suspension, and mail service may appear. A Modify check box also displays next to each hold.

Note: If the item has any exceptions, a status alert window may display.

Click the glossary links to display more detailed information.

The Modify Holds for Item window appears.

After modifying the item hold, select one of the following options:

Modify to make more changes to this hold.
Modify Another Item’s Holds to modify another item hold.
Close to exit this wizard.

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